Chapter 20

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It's been a week since you last saw Ji-Sung. Jungkook was back on his tour and you ready yourself to go on stage. Jungkook wasn't very pleased with you when he found out about your little tour.

Memory lane

"You can't just leave like this! He's after you again?" Jungkook yelled slamming a hand on the table.

You jumped alittle at the sound bang, "I know this. But, I can't just sit around here doing nothing while you're gone. Our son is staying away because of him and maybe, just maybe I'll find my daughter." You said looking into his eyes, "if I don't, he will kill her. That poor innocent little girl and I can't just live with that!" You yelled.

He paused and looked at you, feeling the defeat, "le-"

"No. You have you're own tour. You can't let your fans down anymore kookie." You said walking up to him and kissing his lips, "I'll be ok. I promise." You lied, knowing Ji-Sung was coming for you.

It was either this or hurt your family again. "Please come back." He begged holding you close.

Memory stop
You looked out at the crowd of fans, you've never seen so many. They all missed you, 4 years without a concert was too long. The music began to play as you walked out. The crowd screamed and went wild as you sung the new hit single "playground". You smiled as the words that meant so much to you poured out.

The story of your kidnapper. A story to reach out to the abused and neglected, reminding them there is hope, there is a way out. Some fans were crying, some were singing along. You looked over to the side, seeing Ji-Sung with that devilish smirk, there was no way out.

Not for you atleast

Once 7 songs were finished, they called for a break. Ji-sung walked into your dressing room, you kept you back to him. Shaking. He took a step towards you, leaning into your neck and he kissed it. "I can't wait to have you for myself again princess" He said, Menacingly.

Cold chill went down your spine as his breath wavered on your neck. "To be inside that pretty little body of yours." He said looking back at you.

You glared at him, "Fuck you. I won't com-"

He clicked his tongue, "We won't have this discussion again, will we?" He asked in annoyance walking to you as he gripped you frail wrist. You winced in pain as he gripped tighter, "I'm not afraid to take everything you love. Your husband, that annoying child and our own kid." He said.

You looked at him fearfully, "no." You whisphered, "you cant, you won't!" You jerked away and walked out, "you won't see me after this." You said as you walked back to the stage. Ji-sung gripped his fist in anger, "stupid little girl." He said chuckling as he followed you.

You stood up on stage, a smile on your face, "is everyone ready!" You screamed as the yelled back in excitement. The music began to play as you jumped around the stage, singing your song. In the middle of the song, a murderous scream could be heard,



Gun shot could be heard as one of your guards bodies feel, lifelessly to the ground. Another shot as one of the other guards ran to the side of the stage. You looked over in horror to see Ji-sung pointing the fun towards you, "I told you, there was only one option." He said. The gun clicked back,


It went off again, the bullet hurdling towards you, "No!" Someone screamed as they pushed you out of the way. Their body flies over the stage, rolling. You gasped looking up to see the persons back towards you, blood pouring out onto the stage. Your eyes widen, jumping up you ran to the body, turning them over. You looked in horror as a fans lifeless face stared at you, "I promised to protect you." He gasped as blood poured from his mouth.

Flash back

You were so happy to be back, walking around the airport as fans cheered at your return. One caught you eyes as he held up a hand heart. You had just exited the plane, walking inside the airport. Fans cheered, Jungkook took your hand as you looked at all of your fans. Some were crying, they were crying so hard. "Welcome home" they yelled together.

Tears welled up in your eyes as you bowed to them, "Glad to be back" you said. The words you would always say when you came back from tour.

That's what it all was, this nightmare was a long Tour. You smiled and waved at your fans who held up Signs.

You looked around reading the signs.

Get well

(Y/N) We love you. Please rest and eat well.

Glad you're back!!

We missed you.

You smiled and hugged Jungkooks arm as he stroked your hair. The fans stood silent and began to sing one of your songs. It was a song you wrote for them. Thanking them for always being there for you and for helping you during hards time. A song that was suppose to be a reminder that you were there for them.

They sung it to remind you that they were also there for you during your hard times. You smiled and walked up to them. Shaking some hands, they were gently watching closely to not hurt you.

"Welcome Home. I'm so glad you are safe. Take as long as you need before coming back. We will wait for you" A fanboy said.

You smiled and held up a hand heart to him, "I will recover and rest just for you" you said and he smiled.

"Rest well (Y/N)" He said giving you a hand heart, "Jungkookie take good care of her" another fan said.

He nodded. After you were done talking to some fans. A car was waiting for Jungkook and you.

Another flash back

You sat in the chair as fans lined up to meet you. A smile on your face as a boy scooted up in front of you. "Ahhh, jagi!" He whined, "what's the matter?" You asked feeling a bit flustered at the comment.

"Why did you choose jungkookie?" He asked, "why couldn't it of been me!" He whined as you held onto his hand. "I'll make it up to you." You spoke softly.

He smiled, "promise?" He asked delighted "like with a date?" He asked as his excitement grew. You smiled back at him, "I wouldn't give you anything less, just name the place and day." You said as he moved away for another fan.

Flashback ends

You stared in horror as you remembered the boy, "Y-you can't leave me." You whisphered tears forming as you caressed his face, "We still have that date I promised you. Stay strong." You sobbed as he helded onto your hand, "in the afterlife. I'll be waiting for Jagi." He said. The boys hand dropped down as Ji-sung pulled you up.

"What a waste." He said spitting on the boys lifeless body before dragging you away. Other guards were on their way to save you as he shoved you in a room locking the door. "If you had come quietly. This wouldn't of happened." He said as he looked around looking for a better way out.

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