Chapter 30

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You laid in that cold room, body beginning to shiver, as growls could be heard from hunger. You began to weep when suddenly the door handle began to jiggle, your head shot yo in fear as you began to slowly crawl backwards. Getting as far away from the door as possible, when the sound of a small voice could be heard. "Mommy?" The little girl asked.

Your heart began to glimmer as you rushed over to the door, "Sweetie, unlock the door please. Let mommy out!" You began to beg the small child. That's when the sound of sirens began to dance though your ears. Weeping harder at the thought of freedom, going back home to your child who has been waiting patiently for so long. Screaming at the top of your lungs, you called out. "I'm down here!!"

The sound of footsteps and Ji-ding's yelling could be heard all over the house as your body began to shake from tears. You had managed to survive another tragic event. (Y/N) didn't regret her decision of following him, knowing what would have happened if she didn't. Her planned was falling into place. You have saved your forgotten child from his grasp.

The door swung open, as warm arms embraced you. Tear stained cheeks, as you looked up at your husband held you tightly, "You're safe." He let out breathlessly. Your are slowly wrapped around him as your tears stained his shirt. Soo-young looked at the man, her eyes slowly lighting up with excitement, "You know Taehyung!" She jumped as you began to laugh at the child's words.

The doctors came in as they slowly moved you onto a gurney asking multiple question. You answered as they began to check your vitals, rolling you out. You looked over and saw a very confused granny. Deep down you knew she had no idea of her sims antics. Her hands were held behind her back as she politely answered question. You ushered the lady to stop, "Please release her." You said looking at her gently, "Come by to see Soo-young anytime you like." You told her as you glanced at a very annoyed Ji-sung. "I knew you would never remember me." He simply said with a sigh, "Your mysterious encounter." He whisphered.

You had figured out the dream was him, just a few moments ago. "Things could have been different, if you
never done this." You spoke. "If this never happened, Soo-young wouldn't be hear." He said as his eyes filled with utter sadness, "I never meant for this, they were much stronger than me." You felt sadden for him, knowing you shouldn't after all he has done.

The other personalities drove him mad, still knowing that, you still wanted him far away from you and your daughter. You glared over at him, "If they were so controlling why did they only show once after all these days plus the years I spent with you last time?" You scoffed not believing a word that came out of his mouth. He began to laugh, manically, "You were always smarter than me, even back then sweetheart." He said as his eyes peered into you. The memories of back than began to swarm.

"You use to be so sweet, where did you mess up?" You asked as you motioned to the lady to leave. You were done talking, you had a lot of explaining to do. One that will be many years from now. Soo-young needed to know where she came from, but seeing only a child. You didn't have the heart to explain it just yet. Maybe when she is older.


Many years has passed since that day, from what you heard Ji-sung went to prison for a few years, then was transferred to a psych ward for much needed help with his D.I.D. He will be lucky if he ever gets out of there before 30 years. The way it looks, if he proves to get himself under control, it may go down. You sighed, "it's been 10 years. Soo-young is 16 and Ji-Hu is a proud 13, you smiled at your daughter but, soon turned to a frown.

You patted the seat next to you, "Soo-young come join mother." You said with a soft, yet forced smile. She obliged and took a seat next to you. Gently grabbing the girls hand, and holding onto them. "Do you remember your father?" You asked as she looked into your eyes, slightly confused, "Yes? He is your husband" She question, with a nervous laugh. She didn't remember the incident. Ji-sungs mother looked from a distance with a sad look.

You turned to look at her as she nodded, ushering you to go on, "He isn't your father." You said honestly. She looked at you confused, "He is. May not be by blood but I'd rather claim him than that creep who called himself my dad." She said starting to grow angry. Her hatred for her father was plain to see. "He hurt you mom. I already figured that out. I hope he rots in prison forever and if he ever tries to come for me. I will refuse." She said crossing her arms and pouting.

"You two are the only parents I know." She explained, wrapping her arms tightly around you. You smiled and brushed through her hair, as granny walked over with a smile. Soo-young and Taehyung grew very close after he met her, he would often come and pick her up to take her on movie "dates" Soo-young was still very young for him, but her crush never seemed to disappear. She still swears up and down she will marry him. But, only time will tell.

You were so happy with your little family, things felt as if they had finally fell into place in this very outrageous big world. After the incident you decided to retired from being an idol. Jungkook career had skyrocketed, everything was going perfectly. Until that dreaded phone call, everything sounds out of control once again.

The story has come to a ending, Deceive Me will slowly come out soon. After I get a few chapter ahead, and figure the stuff on my cat. Amputation surgery went well, unfortunately he has a broken leg, and I can't collect him or try to take him home in April. Thank you for being so patient.

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