Chapter 29

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You woke up from the weird dream, head pounding like a thousand bricks was crushing down onto you. Raising a hand slowly, a soft groan escaped your lips. Hand pressed hard against your head, rubbing it ever so slightly. The room was very dim, icy cold. Your breath smoked outwards. The barely visible room looked rather sad and empty other than to small blanket you were laying on.

Reimagining the dream, you still couldn't make a face to the man. It felt so real, yet so distant, you couldn't really tell of it was a dream or a distant memory. Some part felt to similar to just be as simple as a dream. Rubbing your head, trying to recall everything as your heart pounded. The black haired, mysterious man. Who was he and why did he feel so familiar? Then the horrible thought hit you as memories rushed back.

The painful kicks, your body being thrown around like a weightless rag doll. Soo-min! The eerie thought of what punishment, if any, she had received in your plan of escape. She didn't understand that you needed her to run away, instead she went back home. You almost broke down, praying to whoever would listen that Soo-min was ok. The fear of that poor and innocent young child as she saw a new side of her father.

You saw how Ji-sung was with her, he never was harsh or stern with her. The idea of one day having to tell this child how she came about was a task you never wanted to do. How the hell are you suppose to explain to your child that she was conceived by a vicious and hateful man. It would be nearly impossible to explain that she was born through a story of rape and kidnapping. There was no way in hell you could ever bring yourself to explain that to her. Yet, you knew one day you would have to. Soo-min needed to know who a real man was and her father was far from one.

You moved your body, only to wince in pain, gripping a hand on your side as it intensified. You whimpered and tried to crawl to the door, slowly reaching a hand up and wrapping it tightly around the cold, gold colored knob. Turning it every time slightly, being sure to be quiet as a mouse. When the door told you it was locked, you wasn't surprised in the slightest. Letting out the most frustrated scream your body could muster as your hand fell to the ground.

Leaning your head against the door, body shaking as tears rapidly fell to the ground. Everything came crashing down, the reality of it all. Your son, who was very confused on where his mommy was at. The daughter you never knew you had, who is now terrified of the place she always called home. Your husband, who last you saw was lying in a hospital bed with a gun wound. You began to scream angrily, banging your fist against the door. All of your anger, fear, and sadness came tumbling out like a dam.

Your scream only getting louder and longer as you beat the living hell outta that door in hopes that it would be punched down. "If you lay one fucking finger on them. I will slaughter you with my own hands!" You screamed out loudly, knowing he wasn't listening.

*****JK POV*****

Jungkook had be discharged from the hospital for a few weeks now. Ji-hu came trotting to the living room where his father was slumped down on the couch. His hand firmly in his forehead, the police was unable to find any traces of his wife. Jungkook hated that he just had to sit and wait for answers. But, he couldn't leave Ji-hu alone during this time. His mother was already planning who his new wife would be. Like hell he would ever accepted anyone else but you.

They argued almost everyday over the situation. His mom always saying how you were no longer good enough, as if you were to begin with. Of course, all according to her. "I'm telling you Jungkook, I don't believe this woman was actually kidnapped. How can he get ahold of her twice? She left you for that man like the whore she is." She would say almost everyday, accusing you of an affair.

Jungkook knew better than to believe his mom. "I swear, if you don't keep that loud mouth of your zipped. Running all these lies out so easily and in front of MY son!" He almost lost his cool, "I never want to see you again." He said softly.

Her eyes widen, a frown on her lips as she let out a huff, "You don't know what she is going through. My wife is out there somewhere scared for her life. Most definitely worrying about me and our son. You never even gave her a chance, I'm so fucking sick of it!" He finally screamed at her as he had enough. Ji-hu jumped at his father loud words. Jungkook got up from his seat, picking his sim up in his arms before turning his back on his mom for good. "You know where the door is, you are no longer welcome here," he said sternly before walking out of the room.

"You are gonna regret this when you learn that I was right all along!" She huffed. Her footsteps began to fade as the sound of a door opening. The house was filled with silence before a small voice broke through it, "Daddy.." Ji-hu spoke softly, "G-Na, upset me." He said through his tears, "Mommy not come back." He sobbed loudly. This broke Jungkook down as he climbed into his sobbing child. "She will be home." Jungkook said through his teeth as he bit down in an attempt to stop his tears. "Mommy loves you dearly and she will return to us." He said and took a deep breath.

"Is mommy lost?" Ji-hu asked, touching his fathers face as a tear slid down, "I got you." Ji-hu said as he sloppily wiped Jungkook's tear away. "Mommy just got a little lost." Jungkook answered his son, "But, she has always found her way back to us." He said with a smile as he grabbed Ji-hu's nose, wigging it around. Ji-hu laugh brought some joy to Jungkook. Army has also been digging around to find you, to no avail. He must have hidden her well if they can't find her.

Jungkook's phone began to ring as he placed his son down, telling him to run along and play. He looks down at  as he pulled the ringing device out of his pocket. Looking at the number. His eyes quickly widen as your name was written on it  Sliding the answer bar he paced it to his ears. "(Y/N)! Where are you?" He answered. A little voice spoke, "I'm scared," the little girl said before someone spoke on the other end. "Give me that phone!" They yelled as the sounds of a child whimpering could be heard, "Please don't hurt me like you did mommy." She sobbed before the call was ended.

Jungkook quickly dialed the number again, the phone had went straight to voicemail. His heart sunk, staring down at his phone in horror as the male voice. Dialing the police as fast as he could, in hopes that they could help this child and locate you. "Yes, I just received a phone call from a my wife's phone. A little girl spoke on the other end. She sounded terrified." He spoke to the other end as he gave a small statement on what just happened. Not long the call was ended. But, his mind couldn't get off the voice on the other end. That man's voice was without a doubt was Ji-sung.

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