Chapter 17

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"Mom, what did you say to her?" I asked looking at my mother.

She looked over at me, a frown plastered on her face, "She is no good for you and you know this." She said.

I looked at her, "But, I love her." I simply put. "She is no good. You should have went with Eun Ha. She was perfect for you." My mom spoke.

"If you can't accept our marriage then maybe you shouldn't come around. We have a kid together and I love her with all my heart. I will kill anyone who hurts her. Even Ji-Sung. She's been throug-"

"That's the problem!! She is a target and she will put you in danger." She almost shouted.

"Mother, I will not leave her cause some guy is after her. I will protect her like I promised. I'm not a little kid anymore. I'm older and I have my own life and son to take care of. I have a loving wife to protect and I will at all cost. Now if you will please see yourself out of the door and out of our life. Unless you can accept I love her. " I bluntly said.

She frowned and grabbed her purse before turning around and storming out the door.


You decided to go for a small walk, parking the at nearby trail. You put your headphone in and paced yourself with a brisk walk. You looked down ignoring the few people that walked by you. No one really stopped to talk to you or ask for your autograph, try lucky let you be alone.

You sighed as you remembered everything that happened today, your husband almost died, his mother hates your guts Ji Sung is back, and you have another kid you had completely forgotten about. You placed your head on the stirring wheel, with a huge sigh.

"Shhhh. It's gonna be ok baby." A voice was heard in the back seat as a hand gently placed on your head.

You gasped and sat up straight looking behind you. There with a sinister look, Ji Sung. He glanced down, "here's the deal." He said moving the fun around in his lap. You looked up, out the window seeing a few people go about their day, completely unaware.

"I know about your secret concert. The one Jungkook as manage to not find out about. Now, I'm gonna give you that week to get ready. Tell everyone you are leaving for good. You will meet with me and we shall live happily ever after. If you don't, I'll kill our daughter." He said, glaring at you.

You didn't know what to do, you never knew the child. But, you couldn't allow him to kill someone so innocent. You felt defeated, looking down. You nodded your head slowly. But, you also had a little plan of your own.

"Good princess." He said leaning in and kissing you "I'll see you in a week." He whispered before hopping out of the car.

You crank the car up, deciding to go to the hospital after visiting hours and just hop you can see him. They let him stay with you after your car wreck. Back when you guys were just a girlfriend and boyfriend thing.

Hours later, you walked into the hospital. Seeing the doctor from before, he stood beside you. "I'll let you go see him. If anyone ask, special request." He said with a wink. He laughed a little, letting you know it was a joke before going back to his work. You walked down the hallways, looking for him room number.

You spotted his room, pausing as a girls laughter could be heard. You looked around trying to spot the person. The laugh sounded again as you looked at Jungkook's room. You held in your breath, biting your lip as fear coursed through your body. Taking slow steps, you peaked inside the door. A small gasp escaped your lips as a woman was practically on top of Jungkook. Their lips almost touching as she smiled, trailing her fingers along his chest.

Tears welled up in your eyes as the scene played before you. You covered your mouth and turned around, heart racing and your feet moving. You ran out of the hospital with tears streaming down your face. You looked around seeing some worried and confused looks. Before running to your car. Once in, you remembered their bodies touching as your heart shattered even more.

Where did we go wrong?

I'm sorry this took so long to write. I've recently got a new job that is starting to take up my time. So my updates might be a little slow which is why I put it in the title. I hope everyone will still stick around to read my updates when they arrive. 😂😁

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