Chapter 22

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Suga's POV

Suga looked at my friend lying in the bed, "Has she texted you any?" He asked a very worried Jungkook.

Jungkook shook his head staring at the door, "I haven't talked to her since yesterday when my mom got mad at her." He said, pouting.

Suga placed his hand on the other males shoulder and giggled, "she's probably still trying to cool down. She gets pretty heated and upset over your mom."

Jungkook sighed and looked over at Suga, "You really think that is all?" He asked growing even more worried, "Ji-Sungs back, anything could happen to her right now and I can't bare the idea of her getting hurt anymore. She's suffered enough." He sighed looking back at the door.

Suga stood up, smiling widely, "I'll go back to your place and check on her for you." Suga told him as he grabbed his keys, "Get some rest I'll call you once over talked to her. Ok?" He asked, tasing an eyebrow and the pitiful male.

"She's lucky to have such a strong, passionate and caring man like you as her husband and the father of her childer-" he paused and chuckled. "She is very lucky." He said patting Jungkook's head before turning and walking out the door.

Once out of ear shot, he sighed in relief, "You almost told him Suga. You idiot." He talked to himself, rolling his eyes as he smiled. Thinking about the idea that another member of the Jeon family will arrive.

He soon got to his car, hoping in as the driver cranked. it up. The driver put the car in reversed and pulled out of the parking spot before driving off. They passed multiple red lights before Suga's phone began to buzz. He slowly reaches over to grab it taking his eyes off the passing building for a few seconds. Once the phone was placed in his hand, he answered it.

"Hello?" Suga said as a voice began to tell the horrible news.

"I called you because I couldn't tell him." There was a long pause, "She held the concert and now he-" The guard paused again "He's got her." He blurted out.

Suga was silent as his eyes began to ring, "H- who- Ji-sungs got (Y/N)?" He asked slowly as the guard cleared his voice.

"She was trying to run when he grabbed her and ran out the window. We've looked everywhere we could have thought they'd run off too. I promise we will find her, just please break the news to Jungkook. He should hear it from you, a good friend."

Suga stared out the window in pure disbelief, "You guys were suppose to watch over her and keep her safe!" He began to yell as the anger got to him, "That's what you are hired for and if you can't even do that why are you here!? If she was changing, SEND A GIRL GAURD IN THERE. Why was she even left alone in the first place. Where were all the staff members. How can this have happened with so many people watching her?" He yelled even more.

"He shot a few people, some panick-" Suga stopped him, "Her safety was top priority. We hired people who would risk their lives to protect her." Suga paused "Was anyone hurt?" He asked.

The guard sighed, "Two were killed, a guard and a fan." He said

Suga just stared in silence as the car continued to move, he couldn't believe it.

Jungkooks POV

It's be more that 2 days now since (Y/N) contacted him and he hasn't seen or heard from Suga since that night. He was beginning to get very worried about her. "We have a concert tonight." Namjoon spoke, beginning to be as worried as Jungkook, "Where is he? It's the last one."

Suga barged through the doors as Namjoon finished is sentence, panting. "Sorry, I went to v-" Jungkook jumped up and ran to him.

"Is she ok?" He asked looking in her eyes as his son played with toys in the corner.

Suga stopped and looked at Jungkook in disbelief

"Ah-" Suga began.

"There was a shooting, 2 days ago at (Y/N) latest concert." The TV began to speak.

Jungkook paused, wide eyed as he turned to the tv to see a crowd running in fear as a gunshot could be heard.

"This is recorded footage from a fans phone-" Jungkook toned out the voice as he stares at his beloved wife, stuck in the arms of Ji-sung before managing to get away and running with a guard as he shot a fan and ran after her.

Jungkook collapses to the ground as (Y/N) and Ji-Sung run out of view.

"As for (Y/N) whereabouts there has been no news from her, her families or the company."

Jungkook fell hard to the ground as Namjoon cane running to his side. Jungkook stared at the tv in horror as the tears began to pour out. His poor confused little boy stared at him.

"Daddy." His tiny voice spoke as Jungkook looked at his boy, "Whe-" Jungkook pulled him into a hug before his son could finish. "Mommy's ok, sh-" He choked " she's just on tour and will be back soon." He lied as he hugged his son tightly.

"She will be ok, like last time she will come home safe and sound. Where she belongs." Namjoon tries to comfort the Male.

Jungkook continued to hug his son as the tears ran, he couldn't believe his wife was stuck with that horrible man, living in another horrible nightmare.

"I will come for you." He whispered, angrily as he held his confused and now crying son. Shushing him and reminding him everything was gonna be ok.

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