Chapter 4

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You stared at your sister in confusion, "Who's gone?" You asked worried.

"Brother." She choked out. You gasped and covered your mouth As Jungkook quickly hugged you. He wrapped his arms around you pulling you close to him are you begin to cry into his chest. Your sister weeped to, "He was killed last week. I didn't want to tell you. But, you deserve to know." She said.

"He was shot, didn't die instantly." She said as you pulled away wiping your tears.

Months later

You could hear the sobs as people walked in to visit. Giving their condolences and farewells to your precious Brother, "He was such a good man." A woman said.

You looked over at your brothers wife, who was crying and shaking hands. She glanced at his body and lost it, quickly walking out to collect herself as their daughter sat with mother. The funeral was about to start as people gathered in. Your farther and some of the other military people carried the casket into the other room as you trailed behind taking your seat. The pastor got up and began to speak.

"Brother Brady was a strong and dependable man. He worked to protect everyone and help anyone when needed. Brady was a great husband to his beloved wife." He said looking over at her, "and a great father to a young beautiful daughter."

His daughter, Abbigail, who had just turned 4 hugged up to her crying mother. "He worked so hard to keep all of us safe. He was always happy and helped to keep the people around him just as happy. He wouldn't want us to dwell too long on him. We will miss such an amazing soul." He said as the piano played and some memory videos and pictures played above.

The funeral continued and soon ended after the preacher, preached a little and prays were said. Everyone left one by one, apologizing for our loses before the room was empty

~A Few Months Later~

You woke up one morning, your stomach turning. Quickly jumping out of bed you ran to the bathroom. Hunching over the toilet as last night's dinner came up. Jungkook walked in, shirtless and rubbing his tired eyes as he worriedly looked at you

"Babe?" He asked leaning down to rub your back, "Are you ok?" He asked worriedly.

You breathed heavily as your stomach turned, "I-" you started.

It came up again, "You can't do the fan signing like this." He said holding your hair back.

You shake your head, "Maybe I can. It might just be a morning thing." You said moving to lean against the wall.

Jungkook sat beside you holding you, "Don't get sick on me baby. We can't have that. I won't be able to kiss you or hold you." He said.

You giggled, "That's cute!" You said bringing a smile on his face.

He pulled you closer, "I'd risk getting sick if it's your lips." He whispered sweetly into your ears.

You blushed and pulled away, "You can't you have a concert in two days." You warned.

He chuckled and kissed you again, "That's not gonna stop me." He said.

You frowned at him and slightly hit his arm, "Stop misbehaving mister." You demanded.

He looked down at you, "Now who gave you the rights to demand me?" He asked.

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