Chapter 10

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2 years later

You smiled at your son as he ran around the living room. "Ji-Hu" You called to him. He happily came running in as you handed him the ice cream. "You made a happy plate. This is your prize."

You smiled as Ji-Hu took a lick of the ice cream and stuck out his tongue as he looked at you giggling

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You smiled as Ji-Hu took a lick of the ice cream and stuck out his tongue as he looked at you giggling. He hugged you almost getting ice cream on you, "Thank you Mommy." He squealed and turned running down the hallways.

"Ji! No running!" You yelled. He quickly stopped and poked out his lower lip and looked down at the floor, "Go outside to run. Come on." You said walking to him and placing a hand on his head as you gently guided him to the door. You held it open for him as he ran out on the big wrap around porch. Walking over to the porch swing. Sitting on it as Ji-Hu ran, only to stop to take a lick of his ice cream.

Your phone than began to buzz, picking it up you looked at the caller I.D. "Ji" You called out, "Daddys calling." You said. He squealed and ran up the stairs, before tripping and falling over. His ice cream slide across the porch with him. You quickly got up after answering as Ji-Hu began to cry. You ran to him picking him up and cradling him to you, "Oh baby. You're ok." You said rubbing his head and he cried into your shoulder.

"Wrong timing?" You heard Hobi call from the phone.

You walked over confused to see all of BANGTAN on FaceTime. A smile grew on your face, "Your lil buddy fell and destroyed his ice cream. But, he checked out ok." You said over Ji-Hu cries.

Jungkook grabbed the phone, "Buddy! Ji-Hu." He said trying to get his attention.

Ji-Hu lifted up, tears stained on his cheek, "Dada!" He said through sniffles grabbing the phone, "I miss you buddy." He said, "We will be back in Seoul in less than two months." Jungkook told Ji.

You looked at the phone as you turned Ji-Hu around in your lap, "you're staying longer?" You asked.

Jungkook cleared his throat, "Two shows got moved and it's gonna keep us longer." He said.

You nodded, "It's been 4 months already. Ji-Hu is begging to see you as soon as possible." You said only to hear Jungkook laugh. "Or you miss me." He said. You rolled your eyes and pouted, "So What id I do." You said crossing your arms.

"I'll be home in less than two months." He said again as Ji-Hu giggled, "Uncie Nam" He said as Jungkook handed the phone to RM.

"How's the big boy?" RM asked.

"Goo" He said in his baby voice. RM smiled as poked at the phone, "Careful you'll break it." Suga said, causing Jimin to bend over laughing as RM pouted and handed the phone back to Jungkook.

"Well Daddy has to go. We are about to perform. I'll call you before I go to bed. I love the both of you." He said kissing the phone.

You smiled and bled him a kiss before he hung up. You smiled putting your phone down after locking it. Bending down a little to pick up your son, "You want another Ice Cream?" You asked with a pout as he nodded, sadly. You nodded, "Ok ok." You said carrying him in, you sat him on the counter and began to fix him another cone, "Now remember our deal." You said before handing it to him.

He smiled and nodded, "Bath." He said as you handed him the ice cream with a smile, ruffling his hair, "Good boy." You said with a bigger smile as he ran back outside to eat the cold, liquid, cream. You followed him, closing the door. You sat on the swing and began to look around at the scenery when you noticed someone staring from across the street. You looked over at the figure, staring at their face.

Standing up you grabbed your son, "Come on Bud. Let's get you washed up." You said as you took a glance back at the suspicious person. You closed the door, locking it as you looked through the curtains one more time before turning away. Ji-Hu had finished most of his ice cream, "Im full." He said handing you his treat. You took it, unable to eat it after seeing the person, you tossed it in the trash.

"Bath time" You said. Ji-Hu pouted, "I don't want to take a bath. You tapped your foot, "Ji, The ice cream was part of our deal. You promised to bathe without a fight."

He poked out his lower lip and walked to you, picking him up as you started the water. Putting his toys in, he began to play with them as the water filled. You washed his hair and body, scrubbing the shampoo into his scalp, "Head back" you said as he tilted his head back.

Covering his eyes, water poured down the back of his head along with the shampoo. You did the same with the conditioner. "Ok. Stand up" You told him. He listened, standing up as you scrubbed his body clean before pouring some water along his body. Once he was fully cleaned you let him sit there for a few minutes. Playing hunt with him, he pushed his boat in the water as you played as the shark, "Bad sharkie" he called out crashing his boat into the shark.

"Oh ow. Ahh." You said as the shark sunk, "Sharkie gone." You said causing a your precious boy to giggle. You smiled back as your phone dinged, wiping your hands off you picked it up to see if it was your Hubby. You stared confused at the unknown number before unlocking your phone. You quickly dropped your phone in horror as two pictures popped up.

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Two messages were with each pictures

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Two messages were with each pictures.

Im back

You're mine, Princess.

I'm coming from you.

You can never get away from me. You will always be mine. You belong to me, I will do anything to get you back....

Even if it means killing your son.

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