Chapter 27

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A few days have gone by, you were sitting on the porch help Soo-Min with her homework. Rubbing your temples, ever so slightly as the little black haired girl struggled on easy 1+1 math. Noting that she was not too bright in Math but, enjoyed doodling as she drew her fourth cat in the margin, rather than listening to you explain how it worked for the fifth time. You shake your head and gently take her pencil out of her tiny hands, "Hey!" She almost yelled in a small voice before glaring at you.

"Please pay attention Soo-Min, you may understand if you just watch!" You begged the girl as she sighs and placed both her hands under her chin. Before long she was getting, well kinda the hang of it.

"3+6 is uhhh" she paused. "15!" She yelled pointing a ginger up as she grinned happily. You groaned and shake your head "9" You said and placed the pencil down, wanting a much needed break. You looked up at the field remember Jungkook. You couldn't handle being here, away from him any long. Ji-Sung was somewhere inside. You bite your lip and stand up grabbing Soo-Mins hand, "Wanna take a walk?" You suggest as the girls brown eyes sparkle with joy. "ye!" She went to yell but you quickly shushed her looking back inside.

After a few moments of quiet, confirming no one was looking or coming outside. You turn on your heels and slowly beginning to walk down the stairs. You didn't really know where you were. But, was sure there would be someone who could help a woman and her daughter get to town. The two of you walked across the field and smile slowly forming as the house began to leave your vision. Yet, to your horror, a silhouette of a angry Ji-sung was barely made out.

Your eyes widened before you jerked the 6 year olds up by her arm. The adrenaline pumping through the bloodstream to your heart as you feet platter, quickly across the grass, "(Y/N)!!!!!" A anger, deep scream came far behind as you picked your feet up faster. You never planned to stay there, only long enough to get the girl you didn't remember giving birth to out of his grips and back to your true love. You pleaded to any god that was listening, praying your feet will move faster.

His yelling was beginning to sound a little bit closer, "Mommy. Why are we running from Daddy?" A little girls voice asked. You wanted to burst into tears, knowing she couldn't understand what he has done to you. Not being able to answer, ignoring her as you wished you could fly away from him for good. Your bare feet begin to throb from the rough ground banging underneath them as you tried to pick up speed.

"You better stop right there, you whore!"  The yelling was much closer before you felt a hand grip around your mouth, flinging your body to the ground. Luckily being able to soften the girls landing with your body. "Run!" You yell at the very confused and scared girl. She nodded, noting your words and her fathers anger before running back to her "safety" of home.

Ji-sung growled slightly as he gripped tightly on your arm, looking up at the feared little girl who ran from him. His angry eyes flared back down at you, "Tried to run away I see." He said before spitting in your face.


Your sweat began to bead down your forehead as your body shook. Looking away from him and out to the nearest town, out of hearing reach. Beginning to sob at the closeness of freedom, barely at your finger tips. You begin to scream at the top of your lungs, only to quickly be shut up by a clammy hand over your mouth.

"shut up! Shut the fuck up!" He yelled at you before a firm, hard slap of a hand hit your face. The tears falling faster from your face as he continues to hit you and throw you around like a frail doll. He grip your hair, beginning to drag you across the field as you kicked around trying to get to your feet or even get his hands off.

"Stop your hurting me!" You sobbed out a beg. He jerked your up to his face, your feet not being able to touch the ground as he gripped your chin giving only a tiny relief from your head as his other hand gripped your hair, "You should already know this, but you seem to forget. You belong to me!" He spat out at you before forcibly slamming your body to the ground. A foot on your head.

"Tell me it hurts. Beg for your life (Y/N)!!" He screamed at your face before stomping down hard. Again and again before everything went black.


You saw his smile, the one that melts your heart, sweat all over your now icky body as a baby boy cried in your arms. Ji-hu was finally here. Cradled into your arms as tears of joy fell from your eyes. He was perfect, more than you and Jungkook could ever ask for. The two of you created the most precious being you have ever seen. Holding him almost too tightly, afraid he will vanish if you let go. "Congarts" the doctor said eerily before prying the boy from your arms.

"Where are you taking him!" You asked as the nurse smiled, "Please don't take him." You begged.

The nurse shook her head, "You can come if you'd like. Give him a first bath." She said with a smile as your worries left knowing the doctor was going to take your baby.

Another nurse took you gently out of the bed and into the wheelchair as Jungkook wheeled you down the hall. Taking the soft fabric off the newborns body, before gently placing him of cool water. Running a yellow rag across his tiny body, the cries slowly begin to fade as he drifts off to sleep. You smiled gently at your creation as a tear rolled down your eye.

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