Chapter 6

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"You're not lying?" He asked.

You bite you lip nervously and shake your head. Pointing at the pumpkin, "Look inside." You said.

He looked at you, then the pumpkin before reaching over, grasping the stem and pulling it off the pumpkin. Slowly he leaned over more to look in seeing the test gently placed inside. With a gulp he reached inside the pumpkin and pulls the test out. Examining the test before looking back up at you.

He continued to stare at you blankly, his lips slowly formed a smile. Before he pulled you into a hug, "I'm gonna be a father!" He said excitedly.

You sighed in relief to see that he was happy. He laughs again, "Im gonna be a dad" He screamed.

You laughed and shushed him, "Shhh. You can't be to loud" You Warned.

He chuckled, "I want to tell the world!" He yelled.

You clamped his mouth shout, "Behave yourself." You hissed, giggling a little.

He smirked and pulled you closer to him, placing her forehead to yours, "You need to behave yourself." He said deeply.

You gulped and blushed pushing him away only to have his lips pressed to yours, "I wander how far you are?" He asked.

You shrugged, "Maybe 2-3 Months. That was the last time my period came in. I guess I was so busy with work that I paid no attention to it." You said.

He laughed, "How can you not know if your period came." He asked.

You crossed your arms, "Well from all your work things and Mine I was too busy to pay heed to it." You said flicking his muscular arms.

He rubbed his arm, "We need to go live and tell them soon." You said, "But, I want everyone else to know like our families and the Hyungs."

"We can tell the Hyungs with ARMY and your fans during the Live. Let's invite our families for dinner tonight?" He asked.

You nodded, "Mines still in town for the next few days. We can go to your family. Ask the companies since we have a week off till you go on Tour." You suggested.

With that you two were heading to Busan, with your mom and dad. After your brothers funeral, your mom and dad came back to Seoul to visit after a couple Months. They chatted on the way to Kookies childhood home.

"I'm so excited to see Mrs Jeon. She is such a sweetheart." Your mom said with a smile as she placed her hand on your arm, "How's your dad?" She asked Jungkook, "I heard he got very ill."

Jungkook looked back, "He's getting stronger. Just overworked himself is all. Had to take a few days to rest up." He answered.

She taped his arm, "You better take it easy to. Can't have you worrying our Daughter." She said laughing a little.

He smiled gently, "Oh don't worry about me. I won't work too hard."

You phone began to ring, you looked down at the unknown number. Raising an eyebrow you answered, "Hello?" You asked.

No one responded. All you heard on the other end was raspy breathing. "Hello?" You tried again before hanging up with a shrug.

After a few hours, finally making it to the house. Mrs Jeon greeted everyone warmly, "Jungkook." She said in happiness as she pulled him into a tight hug.

Jungkook hugged his mom back, "Eomma." He said happily like a child.

She came over and hugged you, "Glad to see your doing splendid" she said.

You smiled and hugged back, "Dinners almost ready." She said as she made her way to the Kitchen.

You followed behind to help her, "Need any help?" You asked.

She smiled, "Yes, can you watch the stew while I cook the Kimchi and chicken?" She asked.

You nodded, "Of course." You said and began working.

Once dinner was done, you helped Your mom set up the table.  Everyone sat down, and began to dig into the food. In the middle of eating you looked over at Kookie. He smiled encouragingly at you, placing down the chopsticks you looked at everyone.

"we have some special news" You began.

Everyone stopped and looked up at the two of you, Kookie started, "It happened rather unexpectedly but, we couldn't be more happier." He paused.

"We are gonna have a baby" You said looking at your mother as she clapped her hands together.

She jumped in delight, "A baby!" She said happily while everyone else smiled.

You two nodded out to them, everyone seemed very happy, "Congratulations." Jungkook dad said to both of you taking his sons hands, "It's another step in life."

You smiled and picked up your spoon to eat the stew. You finished last as everyone was in the middle of chatting. Your phone began to ring again, getting up from the table you walked over seeing an unknown number again.

You raised an eyebrow and picked it up, out of everyone's hearing you spoke, "Hello?" You asked.

"Hello." A raspy voice spoke.

"Who is this?" You asked, listening closely to the person speaking.

"You'll Soon find out, Mrs Jeon" He said softly sending eerie chills down your spine, "You know me... very well." He chuckled.

You heart pounded as he laughed. He hung up as you stared at the wall, "Stupid pranksters" you said shakily placing the phone down before walking back to the kitchen

"Who was that?" Jungkook asked.

You shrugged, "A stupid prank call." You said.

He smiled, "Kids. They love to prank people." He said.

You smiled but just couldn't get the persons voice out of your head. Who was she? You thought to yourself.

You shake it off, "We will be staying here tonight.  We decided it would be best to not keep you up too late. " He explained.

You chuckled and rolled your eyes, "Im not fragile yet. Just pregnant." You laughed hitting his arm slightly.

He smiled and pulled you into a hug, "Stop being stubborn and let me take care of you." He said as he picked you up and carried you to bed.

You hit his chest blushing, "You can't just do that!!" You said embarrassingly as he chuckled at you.

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