Chapter 8

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You clawed at your throat, digging into your flesh. Fresh blood began to pour out, only a little, as you gasped for breath. Feeling the hands squeeze tighter. Panic filled every vein, every muscle, and every bone in your body. You began to shake and cry for help, your voice coming out scratchy.

"(Y/N)!!" Someone called out, gripping your shoulder.

You felt the hands grab you, with a scream you pushed the person away and fell back. Landing hard on the ground, you gasped for air as you slapped the air. Closing your eyes tightly, screaming louder as your name was being called.

"(Y/N)" They called again, trying to pull you close to them.

As your body begins to press against warm skin. You scratched their face, "let me go!" You sobbed out.

"Shhh. (Y/N), It's ok. You're safe." They said holding you firmly as you hit the person.

You opened your eyes, seeing your beloved husband holding you. His face was bleeding, as you stared at him in pain. Tears poured from your eyes as you hugged him. Apologizing, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." You gasped. "I-i saw him. He was there, he really was" You cried.

"Shhh. No ones here. I'll protect you." He said

You pressed your face in his shoulder, your throat throbbed as blood trickled down, your hand went a little numb as the plate cut you. Your mom came in with the first aid kit and began to work on your wounds, while Jungkook comforted you. Mrs Jeon, could only stare in horror, your bloody screams still in the air.

She came too and turned around, making some tea to help everyone relax. Mainly to help you recover from this episode. Ever since the kidnapping, on occasion a random panic attack would occur. They were always terrible, resulted in you or someone else getting hurt. In this case, both. Once your mom cleaned Jungkook and you up, Mrs Jeon handed you two some herbal tea.

"This should help calm you." She said gently.

"Thank you." You said shakily, places the warm mug to you lips. You blew gently and took a small sip, relaxing into Jungkook, as he placed his mug down to focus on you.

He began to stroke your head as Mrs Jeon picked up the shattered plate. You watched her, feeling very guilty for breaking Her things, "I-" You began but, she stopped you.

"You didn't mean to" She said with a gentle smile.

"I'm still sorry." You said, looking at her, "Let me help." She shakes her head, "relax." She demanded.

Jungkook picked you up, cradling you as he carried you to the couch. You held onto your mug, careful to not spill any as you sat beside your mother. She rubbed your back, "I think it's time for consoling." She suggested.

You looked over at her, "I-I can't do- there- My schedul-" she stopped you, clapping her hands together, "It's always the stupid Schedule. Go on Hiatus for a year or two. Give yourself some time to cope with what happened. Working is not going to help you, going on tour is doing nothing for you. This can't continue, you need help, you need time." She scolded.

You bite your lip and move away, "I can't. My fans."

You mom sighs, "If they really care and understand. They will wait for you." She said placing her hand gently on your leg, "Just think about it." She said and got up leaving the room.

You sighed and looked away, cupping the warm mug as the stem heated up your face, the chair sunk down beside you, "Your mom's right. Atleast stop working till the baby." Jungkook said, sitting beside you.

You looked at him, "I don't need to leave just yet, I'm only a few weeks. We need the money to keep the house and buy baby necessities. After a while, those things get expensive. I'm only thinking what's best for us." You said

"And I'm thinking about what's best for you and the baby." He added.

You paused feeling defeated and looked away. Tired of arguing, sighing you nodded, "Fine. But only till the baby is a year old. Then maybe, the child can hang out at work with one of us. I don't want our fame to get in the way of our family and I want to continue working. It might be hard but, I believe I- uh we can do it" You said.

He nodded, "Just take some time off." He said and wrapped his arm around you. Mrs Jeon soon called Everyone in to eat. Jungkook took your hand, guiding you to the table and pulling a chair out for you. Sitting in the chair, he pushed it in and sat with you. You picked up the fork, taking bites of the delicious eggs. "Mmmm this is so good." You said smiling, "Thank You."

Your mom smiled and ate her food. Once everyone was done. Mrs Jeon and Jungkook, begin to clean the table, telling your mom and you to go sit down.


"Is she really the one for you? She seems like trouble with what happened." My mom whispered as she put soap and scrubbed the plate.

I paused and looked over at her, "Mom. She can't help it. She was taken and who knows what she went through." I said, a little angry.

She shrugged, "I want you to have the best. Not some complicating girl."

I glared at her and the plate in my hand down, "Look mom. I love you. But, I love her. We already have a baby on the way, and the weddings happened. There's nothing I can do. I love her so much and if she is complicating as you say. I'll work with it. She makes me so happy and I wish you could see that." He said kissing her forehead before returning back to rinsing and placing the dishes up.

She sighs and shaking her head but says nothing more.

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