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The epilogue to Book 3/final book Deceive Me has officially been posted. I am halfway through the first official chapter of this book, it's quite possible this one will be shorter but, I'm aiming for 30 chapters again. As we come closer to the end of this Series I am working on 2 other books in the background. One I want to finish completely and reread it a lot to make sure it's all good before I share it but I'm fairly excited about it.

I will share a few details and ideas I have for these book. Only a tiny peak tho ;)

Book 1 I'm working on, the one I'm most excited about is gonna be called Damage. It's based off of the phone story game Mystic Messenger. But, more related to the bad ending is Ray/Saeran's route. The one you get I believe on day 8 or 10. Where Saeran becomes kinda hostile towards MC because she was too "submissive"

The characters name is Iris, a woman who was dragged into this religious cult called the Mint Eye (iykyk) Saeran's personality has taken almost full control when the story begins as he torments poor Iris. Yet, she can never seem to bring herself to leave only remembering the personality of Ray. The boy who loved flowers, she continues to stay by his side. Even through all the verbal abuse and tormenting he causes.

At some point in the story she is dragged away from him into a mansion. Where she meets two men named Arthur and Oliver. Arthur is more of the sweet and caring guy, very protective while Oliver will listen to every order Saeran has. Mainly in fear of his life as Saeran could easily kill either with one click of a button. In the end, there is a big twist of events. Just have to wait and find out what happens ;o

This story is mainly to help me write better with detailing and trying to use He/Him/She/Her/I/You as little as one can. If anyone has tips I'd gladly appreciate it. This book will take a bit of work as I aim for each Chapter to be 5,000 works and 30 chapters long. I already have the whole book planned plus what ever I add on the way. I'm super excited for this one guys.

Book 2 is based off the Anime Inuyahsa.

It's about a woman named Himiko, she is a half-demon. Half of her is a Siren demon and the human half is priestess. Her priestess powers are strong than the demon side of her. She was held by Takoshi at a young age for her beauty as he locks her powers away so she can never attack him. He also loves to use her younger sister Sora against her. Now with this one I'm still not sure if I want it a Naraku love story or Sesshomaru because both play a big role in the story as Naraku is the one who gets her away from Takoshi but, sesshomaru is the one she travels with mostly at the beginning before she find Naraku again and follows him.

I have it where she loves Naraku for showing her some kindness when he saved her from Takoshi.  of course, it's kinda hard to put Naraku as a romantic character seeing as he wanted to kill Kikyo because his human side loved her. Yet, I can make it that his Demon side loves her if I go completely his love story. As for Sesshomaru he is a little easier as in the show he has a change of heart taking in a human child named Rin. I would also like your feed back. Would you rather it be a Naraku love story or Sesshomaru?

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