Chapter 23

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It's been 2 days of walking, your legs feeling tired as each step got harder. Ji-Sung kept ahold of you tightly, watching your every move. You wanted to scream at this point. But, worried of your babies life and safety prevented it. Tears slowly formed in your eyes, numb to the pain you almost didn't realize it.

You slowly reached a hand to your cheek, wiping them away. You understood why you freely went along with him. If she was your daughter, no matter what, she was coming back. You were gonna protect her and the others. A house slowly appeared in the distance. "We are here" he firmly said. A smile slowly forms across your face as a fragile head popped up through the window.

The door busted up and a small child ran across the yard screaming "daddy's home" before pausing

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The door busted up and a small child ran across the yard screaming "daddy's home" before pausing. She tilted her head, "Who's that daddy?" She asked, curiously. Ji-Sung smiles as he pulled you closer.

"She's your mother, Soo-Min" He said as her face light up.

"Where have you been Mommy?" She asked.

You smiled gently at the child, "I was away for a bit. But, don't worry sweetie. I am here to stay." You lied, bending down to cup the child's face. "I'm so sorry for abandoning you." Leaning in to kiss her cheek before picking her up and carrying her back inside.

Once inside the house, you placed her on the couch, crossing your arms as you took in the new surroundings. An older lady came up with the sweetest smile and hugged you, "It's a pleasure to finally meet the woman my son talks so much about. I know it's hard to.." she paused and looked around with a sinister look, "Be famous" she whispered as she watched her son walk by unknowingly.

You looked at her confused, "You're daughter talks about you all the time." The sweet smile was formed once more in the lady's wrinkled, yet delicate face, "She swears up and down she will marry that Taehyung boy." She said with a sigh as she walked into the kitchen. The sweet aroma of black bean noodles hits your nose.

"So you want a bowl?" The Oder woman asked, "I made it for lunch about an hour ago. It should still be warm enough for you to eat." She stated. But, you shook your head still full from breakfast this morning. Walking towards her as you took the Tupperware out of her hand gently, with a smile.

"Thank you, I'm still full from this mornings meal." You said scooping out the noodles into the container, "It looks delicious. I will gladly eat some for dinner." You said as her face lights up. You look around, finding the little girl watching some cartoons in the tv.

"We interrup-" the tv spoke but was quickly shut off, "Daddyyy" the little girl whined, "what if it was about Tae-Tae." She pouted as he ruffled her hair, "Even if it was, it's not something you'd should have seen." He said kneeing in front of the child, with a smile. "Breaking news are always really bad and if it was about him it might break your heart. I can't have daddy's little girl heartbroken, now can I?" He asked while looking at you with a slight evil in his eyes.

You quickly turned away as you started to feel sick, the fact that you were in the same room, same house as this man once more. You're knees started to feel weak from fear, holding your breath, you turned and looked at the lady, "Where is the restroom?" You asked, barely able to get the words out.

She smiled and held your hand gently, guiding you the way. "Here you go sweetie." She said with a smile as you walked in, closing the door.

You let out a deep breath, as you locked the door, turning slowly. The reflection in the mirror looked very different, beginning to stare letting every small, yet new detail of you, sink in. Your hand flew up, covering your mouth and you sobbed. Oh, how scared your little boy must be feeling.

Sinking to the ground as your knees layer against your chest. You began to sob even harder, trying to keep as quiet as you could. You knew very well why you decided to follow him. That little girl, sitting on the couch, your child. She needed you, and you were gonna fight to get her out of here. Knowing your son would have died along with Jungkook, if you didn't. You had to keep everyone safe.

No matter what!

You stood up, splashing water on your face, having to stop the tears before it shows. Flushing the toilet, you walked out. Crashing into a buff chest, your heart stopped as you looked into his eyes. His lips peeking up as a sinister smile forms across his face.

"Is the princess crying?" He asked running his thumb across your cheeks. The smile grew darker as he laughed. "We can't have you looking scared in front of, Soo-min" he said with a slight pause. "The child might get scared" he growled grabbing your arm, "if you say anything to mother about how you got here." He leaned into your ear, with a deep and evil voice "I will rip that beating heart of yours clean out of your body." He said causing you to hold your breath.

He moved away, laughing as he stared at you, "Dont worry. I know you will obey me." He said as he kissed your cheek before walking away. You fell to the ground as your breathing stopped and your heart raced. Eyes wide, you started to panic, you couldn't handle being here anymore. The tears formed again as your gripped your shirt trying so hard to breath. Your whole body shook in fear yet you couldn't move.

"Mommy?" A soft voice spoke, pausing to look at you. A few second pass with out a word as she slowly walks you to you, gently hugging you, "Did daddy scare you?" She asked, "Dont worry he sometimes scares me too. When I get in trouble for mot listening. But, I know he loves us both deeply and will protect us." She said.

The moment she hugged you, the breath escapes your mouth and you begin to calm down. A smile crosses your face as you pulled her in, "Mommy isn't scared" you whisphered as your stroked her hair.

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