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Harry Potter

"That's bloody brilliant Ron!" I exclaimed happily. "Go and get it!" Ron did what I told him and hurried up the stairs three steps at a time. I turned around, grabbed my wand from the table and put it in in my robes. "Excuse me, what the fuck is a 'deluminator'?" Parkinson asked. "It's uh- basically a clicky thingy that's turns lights on and off." I explained. Parkinson raised an eyebrow. "How exactly is that going to help?" She asked. "It's going to bring us to Hermione!" Ron called from upstairs. He slid down on the banister and hurried back towards us, holding the deluminator. Pansy had the same annoyed look on her face that Hermione always has.

"Let me guess. You click the 'clicky thingy' and poof there's Hermione?" She asked sarcastically. Ron snorted. "No. This deluminator brought me to Hermione once before. I think it connected us because we loved each other so much." Ron explained, sounding as if he was bragging. Pansy raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. I grinned, knowing what she was thinking about. I wiped the smile of my face when I looked back at Ron. "Do you think it'll work again because of the— er —circumstances?" I asked awkwardly. "It has to, right?" He asked in response. There was an awkward silence in the room. "We should go to hogmeade, we have to apparate." Ron then muttered.

Ginny Weasley

"Do you see the light coming from that door over there?" Hermione asked in a whisper, pointing at a closed door up the stairs. She turned back to me. I nodded. "That's where they are, aren't they?" I asked. "Yeah, that's what I'm thinking." Hermione whispered sarcastically. I was too nervous to even roll my eyes. I exhaled shakily. "How are we going to play this?" I asked. Hermione took a moment to think. She held a hand through her hair. "You're staying here. Wait for me to—" "Merlin, Hermione. Why won't you understand that I've got your back?" I asked. Hermione frowned. "I never should have agreed to letting you come in the first place. I don't want you to get hurt." She whispered. I groaned. "And I don't want you to get hurt! That's why I'm here. I'm helping you with this, wether you like it or not." I said a little too loud.

Hermione's eyes widened. "Shut up Ginny." She whispered. "No! Hermione you're my best friend — next to Luna — and I—" I was interrupted by Hermione stepping forward and putting her hand on my mouth. "You're going to get us murdered." She muttered looking up at the door nervously. I followed her lead, internally cursing myself for being this stupid. We listened for a sign that someone in there had heard us for a few moments. "Who's there!" We suddenly heard a mans voice shout. Heavy footsteps started coming our way.

"Fuck." Hermione and I muttered at the same time.

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