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Song recommendation: Dark Red by Steve Lacy

I know, I've almost died a few times now. You'd think that I would stop being afraid when I'm in life or death situations like this. I know what it's like to have been on the verge of death, I know how it feels, and I shouldn't be afraid right? Yeah I thought so too, but no. I was still so afraid of what was about to happen. The only reason I was still alive was because something inside me wasn't ready to leave yet. Something out there was trying desperately to keep me alive. I wish it would just make up its fucking mind.

The room I'd been taken to was dark, I couldn't see anything except for the light peeking through the cracks in the doorway. I had reason to believe I was in an abandoned warehouse. The floor beneath my feet felt like concrete, and it smelled of old plywood.

I was bound to a chair by a rope tied at my elbows, my knees, and my waist. It was prickly, irritating my skin immensely. My head and ribs were in so much pain still. I had nearly died in a car wreck, and now I was being held hostage. Not one part of me wanted to even try to fight, but I knew that if I wanted to stay alive, I had to try, even if it was the bare minimum.

We'd been blindfolded while being carried in, so I had no idea if Niall or Harry were even with me. It made it so much more terrifying to be alone. If you know me at all, I hated being alone.

"Alex?" I used our aliases because I had no idea who could have been listening.

There were a few seconds of silence where all I could hear was my heart thumping in heavy rhythm.

"I'm here." I heard his scratchy voice from across the room.

Thank god.

"Nathan?" I called out, sounding more nervous than ever. If Niall wasn't with me I didn't know what I would do. I would probably burst into tears, or get extremely angry, whatever the pain pushed me to do. "Nate, where are you?"

"Right here." He said softly. "I'm right here firefly."

He was right behind me. Our chairs were pushed close enough together for us to touch. I reached out my hand, feeling around for his. The second I touched his skin I felt a flood of comfort rush over me. He was here, Styles was here. We were all together, and we would find a way out. I couldn't hold Niall's hand fully, so I locked my pinky finger with his, his touch was enough. This was enough to keep me going.

"Are you okay?" I whispered to him.

"I should be asking you that. You're the one who almost died on me there." He chuckled quietly.

"How can you be positive in a time like this?" I shook my head in amazement.

"Hiding fear with humour is easy once you've been doing it for so long." I could almost hear the misplaced smile on his face. "It's more fun to be an arrogant, stupid, jokester than it is to be scared."

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"It's okay. We'll be okay." His latch on my finger tightened. "I've got your back through all of this."

"If you guys are coming up with a plan, I'd love to hear it!" Harry spoke up from across the room.

"We'll get to it! We're not magic!" Niall countered.

"Well then get on with it!"

"Any idea where we are?" I asked.

"Not a clue." Niall sighed. "Alex? Do you know where we are?"

"These guys found me at an industrial park. There's warehouses everywhere. There's lots of places to hide things, especially people. I'm assuming that's where they took us. I mean, they couldn't have taken us far from where we crashed." Harry explained.

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