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"The shoot is canceled, because of something I did." Binna looks past Jungkook to the door to the bedroom, which is still slightly open. "Shut the door please," she says, surprising him. He immediately closes the door and turns to her, shaking his head.

"Binna, the shoot is postponed, because Jin's wife had the baby, that's all." He smiles at her, hoping to ease her worry. She is surprised.

"Postponed?" she repeats. He nods.

"Yes, didn't you get the call? We were all at the hospital so late that we have to reschedule. It's just postponed a day or two." He smiles warmly, thinking this will be the end of it.  "I thought you knew. You called last night..." he reminds her. She is trying to make sense of what he's told her, and is unsure why the assistant didn't relay any of this. She stares off into the distance, trying to decide if she should go on with her confession. Is it really possible no one knows yet? Bang PD could still find out. She still needs to tell Jungkook what she did. She looks back at him, serious and determined. He watches her wondering what is going through her mind but realizing she is carrying a heavy burden. "Why did you think it was your fault Binna?" he asks, cautiously.

"Jungkook..." She takes a deep breath. "I've done something I shouldn't have done," she says shaking her head. He smiles, sure that he understands what's going on. He's about to tell her he understands that she thinks what they did was a mistake, but, now she is standing in his bedroom, in front of him, with the door closed, wearing nothing but a robe and it confuses him. She sits down on his bed, clouding his thoughts even more and he steps up in front of her. She looks troubled, like she really needs to confess something. He thinks maybe he shouldn't interrupt.

"What do you mean?" he asks softly. She looks up at him and he can see the tears in her eyes. It makes him want to sit beside her, to comfort her, and dry her tears, but he hesitates, waiting to hear what she wants to tell him. She bites her lip and looks down.

"I don't know how to explain this, I've never done anything like this ever before..." He is sure he understands what she is worried about now. He sits down beside her, thinking maybe if he takes her hand, he can soothe her worry. She must be concerned that they can't continue to work together after what they did, but, he doesn't want anyone else to work with him on this project. She is the right person for the job, and, he wants her to be part of it.

"Binna, it just happened, and it was so nice, there is no reason to feel badly. I wanted to be with you and I also want you to produce the video." He tries to reassure her.  She looks over at him confused.

"What are you talking about?"

"Us, you and me, what we did. It just happened. It doesn't have to make you this upset, and you shouldn't think we can't work together now," he tries to explain. She frowns.

"Jungkook there is more, it's not about what we did, it's about what I did- or rather- didn't do." He watches her closely as she takes a deep breath. "When I sat beside you, at the dorm, you had asked me to put the camera down." He nods, following along. "And I did. I put it down, but I wasn't paying attention, I was distracted, I was, I guess I was eager to comfort you." She hangs her head a little, feeling ashamed of continuing. He smiles. He wants to tell her just how much she comforted him but it doesn't seem like the right time. "I- I didn't turn off the camera." She squeezes her eyes closed tightly and bites her lip so hard she leaves marks in it. He hears her, and sort of tilts his head as the words fill his mind. He chuckles for a moment, awkwardly, blinking hard, not speaking. She peeks one eye open to see his reaction. She watches as the realization begins to wash over him and his face drains of color. His mouth drops open and he turns to look at her, a gasp escaping. She opens both eyes to face him now that she is sure he understands.

"I swear, I did not do this intentionally. I had no idea what would happen, I don't know what I was thinking- I wasn't thinking," she chastises herself. He turns to her with a look of dread.

"We- it's recorded?! What we did, there is video of it?" he says in a loud whisper. She shakes her head quickly.

"Not exactly, there is no video, there is no image I mean, but there is audio. I put the lens cap on the camera when I thought I had shut it off, and it recorded our, our voices," she admits, her fingers covering her mouth as though she wants to stop what she's saying, to prevent herself from saying it, as though it wouldn't still be true. He takes a deep breath, sounding relieved.

"If there's no video image, then there is no proof right? It could be anyone," He offers, hopeful.

"Well, that's true except it's on the footage I took of you walking through the dorm." He turns to her, a shocked and worried look on his face.

"That footage- that's at the Edit Suite at HYBE?! They've seen it already?!" He stands up quickly and she reaches to grab his hand stopping him.

"No, they haven't. They don't have that part of the footage." She holds his hand in both of hers as he stares down at her, panic still flooding him.

"How? How do they not have it, how did you know about it? Who has seen it, heard it?" he corrects himself.

"Only me." She smiles feebly up at him. She pulls his hand down, to lower him back down next to her but he is deep in thought. He drops to his knees in front of her. "Jungkook, I made a copy of the footage for myself." She looks down, but is still holding his hand. "I shouldn't have done it, it's completely unprofessional, but I made a back up on my phone when I was copying over the footage before Jin came in to shoot his part of the video." He frowns. He knows this would be expressly forbidden, and it might even be grounds for  dismissal. She carries on with her confession. "I came home, I watched the footage and realized what happened. I went back to HYBE, got the drive from the Edit Suite and edited it to remove the tail of the video. Then I put the drive back in the same spot for the editor to find this morning." He looks at her so flooded with mixed emotions.

"You removed that part of the file? And they wouldn't have seen it, or know that you did it?" She shakes her head.

"I spent most of the night trying to fix this, because I know it was all my mistake. I screwed up, and I had to fix it before it hurt you, or me." She looks at him, searching his eyes for some sign that he understands, that he isn't angry, maybe that he forgives her. He narrows his gaze at her.

"Why did you keep a copy of the footage, if you didn't know that part was on it?" He watches her turn from pink to red as her skin flushes with embarrassment. She swallows hard and in her silence, he begins to understand what she might be feeling. "You wanted to remember it, all of it, you wanted to have that private moment when you saw me crying outside the bedroom." She looks up into his eyes and nods slightly, admitting her weakness. Admitting her error was one thing, admitting she desperately wanted to keep that part of him all to herself leaves her feeling open and raw. Tears come freely as she sits across from him. His lips curl to a slight smile as he stares at her, realizing she's fighting admitting how she really feels, what she really thinks of him. It wasn't just a quick fumble between two people who have no connection, it meant something to her, and she wanted to remember it, even though she told him it would never happen again. But she wants it to happen again, or she wouldn't be here now, confessing to him, in his bedroom, wearing nothing but a robe.

He raises up on his knees to get closer to her as he watches the tears drop down her cheek. He slides his hand behind her ear, pulling her head closer to him and he slowly leans over and kisses the tear from her skin. She sniffles and lifts her chin towards him, feeling the warmth of his lips pressed against her. Her eyes close as another tear drops from her lash and he leans closer to her, pressing against her knees as he kisses the next tear, his tongue sliding across her cheek very slowly. His breath fans over her skin, sending a shiver through her.

"Jungkook," she whispers, leaning up and receiving his kiss.

"Shhh," his low voice soothes her as he slides one hand down her back, pulling her body closer. He's warm and his touch is strong, and determined. It sends a shockwave of need throughout her body. "Kiss me," he says, moving his lips barely a few centimeters from hers, so close she can feel his hot breath as it catches. Her head swoons with desire building inside her.

Begin (JJK) BTS 2026 series Book 3 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now