Second Chance

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Jungkook sits across from his boss at a small table near the back of the quiet cafe. It's still too early for most of the HYBE employees to be in the building, so the space feels private. Bang PD pulls apart his fresh from the oven croissant as he puts a small dollop of jam onto a knife to spread across the bread. He pops it into his mouth, and smiles at the sweet flavor. Jungkook takes a quick sip of his drink and clears his throat.

"PD nim, I wanted to invite you to come to the music video set this morning, before Jiminhyung and Taehyungie film their part this afternoon. I think you would really enjoy it." PD puts the roll down onto the plate and wipes his mouth before he responds. Jungkook studies his expression which seems to have grown more businesslike.

"I would have enjoyed the surprise Jungkook. I was looking forward to it," he says.

"And it isn't a surprise anymore?" Jungkook leads, hoping he will be able to give him more information.

"I know what the location is, and have seen some of it. I'm not saying I wouldn't still enjoy seeing it, but, it's not possible this morning." He dismisses the idea. Jungkook frowns. There is so much he wants to say but he is unsure how to go on. He allows instinct to take over.

"Did you know that Jee Binna arranged for every piece of memorabilia in the dorm? She watched hours of my footage, made detailed notes. She hired and supervised the staff to collect everything they could to make that set exactly as we all remember it, down to the smallest detail." Bang PD sits regarding Jungkook stoically. Jungkook continues. "I could not have done this without her." Bang PD looks down, realizing what he's doing.

"Jungkook, I am sorry I did not have time to speak with you before the decision was made, but you don't understand all of the details," he says softly.

"But PD, there are details you don't understand either. Binna would never have done this, whatever evidence you think you have, there is another explanation you are not aware of." Bang PD reaches his hand out to touch his arm, to stop him from going on.

"She did not argue, she did not plead her innocence. When I spoke to her, she sat across from me, looking very ashamed, and said nothing to save her job," he offers as though this is somehow proof of her guilt. Jungkook knows now why she wouldn't fight to save her job, because she would have had to admit what happened between them, and the mistakes she made, and they would both be in trouble. The realization that she must have sacrificed herself for him brings a tear to the corner of his eye and he has to turn his head away to hide it from PD.

"I will prove to you that she did not do this, that she would never do this, and then I want you to rehire her." PD shakes his head instantly.

"It's not possible. Even if you did prove she had nothing to do with the leak, your music video wraps today, she won't be back to work on it." Jungkook knows this is true, but it isn't about her working as his producer, it'a about her career, her future.

"I think she should direct our tour documentary." He blurts out the words before he's even had time to think about what he's saying. PD's shocked expression proves to him that he should be cautious about continuing before he really has all the evidence he needs and he offers no more.

"Jungkook, I don't know if you mean that, perhaps you feel bad for her, but she made this choice, and she can not be considered for such an important job."

"But if I prove her innocence? Would you?"

"Jungkook, you asked to be considered for this job," he reminds him and the statement does cause him pain. He wanted nothing more than this job when he pitched the video to Bang PD. He wanted to prove himself with the video, specifically so he would be considered for the tour documentary.

He swallows hard, realizing that if he continues, he loses the opportunity he thought was so important to his future. 'If not now, when?' he had asked himself, sensing that he needs to make a shift in his career goals now that he's in his 30s. He doesn't want to only be known as Jungkook from BTS, as much joy and accolades as that has brought him, he knows there is much more he can do with his life, and he wants to be taken seriously and given the chance. If he makes this request, and manages to convince Bang PD to consider Binna, what does that mean for his future? How many more world tours can BTS go on before things begin to change, or before members decide they don't want to be away from their families for months on end anymore.

"If I can prove to you that she had nothing to do with this, I want you to consider us, both, for the job. At least consider each of us to Direct." He looks up into his eyes to ensure he understands that he is serious. Bang PD watches him closely, unsure where this is all coming from, but, he has nothing to lose by agreeing. He smiles slightly and nods, just once. It's enough for Jungkook. He feels the relief wash over him quickly.

"Now, when can I see the location? Can I come after your shoot is finished tonight?" he asks, turning back to business. Jungkook smiles and nods.

"Anytime. Come anytime. I think the producer, I think the new producer, said that we have the set until the edit is approved," he tells him. His mind begins to fill with plans as Bang PD returns his attention to the croissant on his plate.

He needs to prove to him, to everyone, that she is innocent, and he needs to find Binna. He won't ask Bang PD for her contact information, it's too awkward, but someone here knows how to reach her, and he's going to figure out who that is.

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