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There were multiple types of couples. A common one is a, 'Bad Boy X Softie'.

Most people in the Palace thought that described the princess and the wizards relationship. Lucas, the wizard, always insisted it's not like that at all.

Of course, no one believes him. Maybe it's how he's always threatening anyone who got close to the princess? Maybe how he gets overprotective?

Either way, no one believed him. That's the point. Until a very certain day that is.

"Halt!" A bandit snarled. In his grips was a dagger, and the princess. Everyone gasped, and started murmuring. Claude snarled, while Felix raised his sword.

"Get away from my daughter." An icy glare was sent toward the robbers direction.

"Not until we get what we want." The bandit sneered. "And we want money."

Everyone murmured once again, before looking around.

Where was the princess's lover? Why has he disappeared? Didn't he usually threaten people like this?

"Oh, oh you fools." A quiet, whimsical voice called. All eyes snapped to the Princess. "You want money? Take it!"

Snapping her fingers, at least 12,000,000 copper coins rained down from the sky, pelting the robber over and over.

"Ow! Retreat, retreat!"

The coins evaporated, the princess scowling. The nerve of some people.


Everyone looked over to a tree, where Lucas was watching, and laughing. "I TOLD YOU IT WASN'T LIKE THAT!"

"Lucas!" The princess smiled. "Do you wanna grab some lunch?"

"Sure darling. Sure."

Everyone thought Lucas was a bad boy, and Athanasia a softie.

Boy, were they wrong.

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