Merry Christmas!

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I have a lot of stories, as you can tell.

And because of time zones, I'm pretty sure I missed Christmas for a few people.

But here! How I imagine each of my Lucathy stories celebrating Christmas!

1 : CYCIR (Can You Call It Reincarnation?)

"I can't believe it." Lucas muttered to himself. He seemed happy, but dazed. "I spent a full cycle with these people. With- With Ghosty."

"Yeah! Isn't it exciting?" Athanasia giggled, floating freely through the air.

Maids were decorating the palace, garlands and wreaths covering the main area. Per Jennette's request, Claude ordered everyone to make everything seem cheerful.

"Which reminds me. I got you a gift of some sorts."

Athanasia paused. Lucas? Getting someone a gift? "Oh! Thank you!"

"You don't even know what it is yet." Lucas snorted. "Idiot."

"Well, what is it?"

"You can't exactly use it right now. Spoiler alert." Lucas waved his hand, a set of clothes appearing.


It was a comfortable looking, airy linen shirt accompanied by a pair of black pants. "This is for when you're brought back to life."

Athanasia beamed. "Aw, Lu! If I could hug you I would!"

"Yeah, yeah. Merry Christmas."

2. Wrong Tale!

Athanasia was tired. And wanted to die. 

Everything seemed so stressful, and out of her control.

So it was tiny moments like this that made it worth living.

Lucas was across from her, a present in his hands. A charm, helping with sleep.

"Here. Noticed you needed more breaks."

Athanasia smiled. "Thank you, Lucas. I got you something too."

The princess had been hiding something behind her back. A handmade cloak, a deep shade of red. "I made this for you, considering you've had that cloak for a while."

"Thank you. Merry Christmas, Athy."

"Merry Christmas, Lucas."

3. Sob of a Mermaid.

"Another cycle without you."

Athanasia stared up at the moon, mourning her loved one. "I hope your happy, up there in the stars."

Little did the mermaid know, a ghost was beside her. Weeping.

4. AUO (An Unhealthy Obsession)

Athanasia was incredibly happy.

At this point in time, it has been 5 years.

Since she had kidnapped Lucas.

And he had become compliant! Somewhat, at least.

Ever since he learned that, no, he could not escape Athanasia, he kind of just stopped resisting.

Which was good, of course.

Athanasia smiled, kissing Lucas on the cheek.

"Merry Christmas, love."


5. HYTND (Have you tried NOT dying?)

This whole vigilante gig. She had started around a week ago- maybe longer, who knows- but it felt as if she had been doing this for years.

She's been working silently in the shadows with Lucas.

It was a bit difficult to comprehend- she learned a lot more than what she intended. Nonetheless, she was grateful for this second opportunity at life.

"Hey." Lucas was sitting next to her, pulling something out of his cloak. "I heard people are supposed to give gifts today. So here."

In his hands was a poorly wrapped box. Taking it carefully, Amaryllis opened the gift. Revealing a small ruby earring.

Yeah, singular. Earring. Amaryllis looked up at Lucas questioningly.

"Matching." Pulling some of his hair aside, he revealed a small sapphire earring hung on his right ear.

Letting out a small 'oh', Amaryllis looked down at the earring before grabbing it and placing it on her left ear. "Thank you."

"No problem." Lucas looked away.

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