I Loaf You

150 13 23

When you do research on bread to make a parody of your friend's story-

image found on google :D


I could hear the wedding bells chiming.

The wedding where two breads become one. Become a sandwich.

The Royal Bread's, that's my company. One composed of the finest ingredients, gluten royalty if you will. Their most distinct feature was their color.

Most breads of noble ingredients come out a slightly different color, compared to normal breads. The royal family however, are a royal shade of blue. Spirulina blue bread, I distinctly recall.

Today, I was going to be married to possibly one of the rarer kinds of bread. A slice of allumiere yellow bread. A noble named Ijekiel Alpheus.

Supposedly the perfect bread to become a sandwich with, highly gushed over and courted.

The air smelled sweet, colorful glass sprinkles covering the ground. My father, Claude- another piece of spirulina bread, the end piece- was waiting for me at the start of the aisle.

He was a sandwich once, too.

Interlinking gluten, I smiled brightly at him. Claude simply gave a hum in return before looking away.

There at the end of the aisle, there he waited.


Approaching the end of the aisle, Claude drifted away from me as I walked up to the altar. Ijekiel held such love in his eyes.

But I couldn't.


I frowned, Ijekiel sending me a questioning look. I shook it off, and smiled. That feeling was still there though.

As if something was wrong.

My fairytale was around the corner. The perfect life, contently ruling peacefully with possibly the best bread next to her side.

So why did it feel so wrong?

Why did I want to run away, and weep until I go rye?

"Ijekiel Alpheus." The priest- a loaf of raisin bread- interrupted my thoughts. "Will you take her Graininess, Athanasia de Alger Breadbelia, to be your lawfully breaded wife?"

"I do." Ijekiel answered with close to no hesitation.

"Athanasia de Alger Breadbelia. Will you take Ijekiel Alpheus to be your lawfully breaded husband?"


Did I want this?

No. A part of me whispered. You don't.

"No." I answered coolly, much to everyone's surprise. "So, with all due respect, fuck you all."

Everyone was too shocked to stop me from waltzing out the pantry door– besides my father.

He was smiling.

I didn't know where I was going- maybe the Pastry Palace? Perhaps the Candy Palace?

All I knew was a singular fact.

I was free.


Author's Note : 

Listen I needed to post something alright

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