A Terrible Sight (That's somehow a blessing)

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A au where Lucas is a baby god and Athanasia was forced to fight him.

Lucas looks at her and goes, 'mine' after hearing her sob story lol


The final battle.

One last dance, one last symphony.

Against the god of fire.

He supposedly rose a while ago, long enough to be ancient to humans but a little baby to other, much older gods.

That's who Athanasia was up against.

The man- boy? It's confusing. He stood a good distance away from Athanasia, smiling casually as if he wasn't about to enter a fight.

"Hey. Before we start, I wanna get something off my chest." Athanasia peered towards her opponent. "Is that okay?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Go ahead, I don't really care either way." The god shrugged his shoulders before adjusting himself into a more comfortable position.

"I didn't want to fight you. I didn't want to go on an amazing journey at all." Athanasia sucked in a breath, ignoring the man staring at her curiously. "I was picked off the streets and trained to become a warrior to 'save our country', or something."

The god blinked. "That sucks."

"Yeah, it does." Athanasia let out a shaky laugh, ignoring the tears brimming at her eyes.

She had never wanted to fight mythical beasts, or gain healing powers that could grow limbs or revive someone from the dead.

She can't remember how many times her arms were chopped off. For training.

The first time it happened, Athanasia remembers watching her arm fall to the floor. Blood was oozing out of her shoulder, the bone poking out through the shredded flesh.

And then watching the flesh mend itself, the bone growing outwards, her growing terror as she realized she could be broken and battered over and over again.

And then it would be gone. No one would ever know. No scars remained.

She still has nightmares about it sometimes, except her limbs never grew back. Then what would happen?

Athanasia didn't even realize tears were streaming down her cheeks, and the god was in front of her.

"Hey- are you okay? I- shit, I can't comfort people. Um-"

The god was frowning, rubbing circles on her back. Athanasia blinked, before muttering a quiet thank you.

"It's no problem, really." The man rubbed the back of his head. "I can tell you don't want to do any of this fighting stuff. I don't either. How about I go into hiding, you come with me, and we can just announce that it ended with us killing each other? Like, a really dramatic story."

"..that would be nice.." Athanasia sniffled before standing up straight. "What's your name?"

"Lucas. You can call me Lucas."

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