Reminiscing - Elizabeth Olsen (Fluff)

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gerund or present participle: reminiscing
indulge in enjoyable recollection of past events.

You took Elizabeth back home to where you grew up for a weekend so that she could meet your parents and you end up giving her a tour of your childhood bedroom.


I practically drag Elizabeth up the stairs away from my parents since they were on the verge of releasing every single embarrassing thing that I've ever done or said. Elizabeth was finding it hilarious and was having the time of her life, I on the other hand was not and needed desperately to get out of that situation.

"Slow down there y/n, you're gonna take my arm off" she chuckles and I slow down so that she can walk at the same pace as me.

She notices how embarrassed I had become and decides to tease me.

"You know your mum told me about the time that you-" she starts and notice my subtle glare at her as we enter my room and she laughs and finishes her sentence there.

As we enter my room Elizabeth gasps.

"What? Not what you had expected" I ask to her sudden gasp and she shakes her head.

"Nope, not at all, you were so edgy and I'd even say cool" she teases and I realise she's secretly laughing on the inside.

"Rude" I mutter and she chuckles as she walks away from my side to look around, I stand by the door watching her with an amused look on my face.

I notice her walking over to my cupboard and once she opens it she cracks into a fit of laughter. I literally shrivel up and die on the inside because I know what she's discovered. The fact that I was a huge marvel geek growing up. My cupboard is literally full of action figures and comics, you name it and I've probably got it stored somewhere.

She picks up a Scarlett witch comic and turns around to wave it in my face with a look of mischief covering her face and I turn around and gently hit my head off the wall, now having the urge to go back downstairs because I'd rather get embarrassed by them with childhood stories than this somehow.

"You were totally obsessed with her" she gloats and I shake my head with a chuckle.

"I've got a few comics of each character, don't get too ahead of yourself" I inform her and she rolls her eyes playfully before diving back into the pile.

"I preferred Black Widow anyways" I mutter under my breath and she turns around and gives me an 'are you wanting to die' look and i immediately turn away and pretend to not have said anything whilst distracting myself with the stuff sprawled out over my desk. I do this for a little while and turn around to be face to face with a still slightly annoyed Lizzie.

"Hi" I greet quietly, not knowing if she was going to attack at any given moment or not.

"Mhm" she says before turning away and walking over to my vinyl collection. Giving me the silent treatment the entire time up until she starts to flip through the pile and comments a few times on my music taste.

"Artic Monkeys, Taylor Swift, Adele, Bruno Mars, Snow Patrol, The 1975, Maroon 5, One Direction" she begins to list each album in the pile and I chuckle at my old music taste, not gonna lie, it's not changed much since then.

"You were a real Swiftie and 1D fan back then, eh?" she teases and I roll my eyes.

The teasing went on for quite a while until we were called down for dinner. Dinner was full of conversations about how 'cute' I used to be and how I used to be a geeky teenager and my mum and dad both shared a few stories with Elizabeth that I'd been trying to wipe from my memory since they happened.

Elizabeth grabbed my hand under the table and squeezed it slightly and I did the same, letting her know that I really didn't mind what they were talking about, I was just embarrassed.

After dinner my parents insisted that we stayed over so that we weren't driving back home at this time of night and i reluctantly agreed just to please them, Elizabeth was thrilled with the idea though.

However, although myself and Elizabeth are fully grown adults who can contain themselves, my father warned me to sleep on the floor otherwise he'd make me sleep outside, I protested and complained to my mother about it but she agreed with him and Elizabeth laughed.

I side eyed Elizabeth the whole way up the stairs for teaming up on me with them and she giggled.

Once we were both changed into our pyjamas with our teeth brushed and all of the lights off except the lamp on the bedside table I tried to get into bed with Elizabeth to cuddle her but she wasn't having it. I decided to try to persuade her to allow it with a kiss but as I leaned in she pushed me off a bit harder than she planned to do and I fell to the floor with a thud. Elizabeth fell into a fit of laughter and my mother came rushing into the room to see what happened.

As she walked in she noticed me laying on the floor and Elizabeth giggling on the bed. She asked what happened and I told her Elizabeth pushed me off of the bed when I tried to kiss her and my mother smirked.

"She's a keeper" she informs me with a wink as she leaves the room, not even bothering to ask if I was okay. I'm glad she does like Elizabeth though, that was my main concern of the day.

"Wow, not even my own mother cares if I'm hurt or not and apparently neither does my girlfriend" I huff and fix my pillow and blanket on the floor before laying down comfortably.

"I'm sorry, are you okay" she asks even though I know she's still attempting to hide her snickering.

"I'm fine" I reply, pretending to be in a mood.

"Goodnight y/n" she says whilst turning the lamp off and she quickly leans off of the bed to peck me on the lips before diving under the covers and falling asleep not long after.

She really is a keeper.

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