She Knows - Natasha Romanoff (Drabble)

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Natasha kisses Bruce and doesn't want y/n to find out. Little does she know...

This is gonna be one of my first short chapters! They're sort of like mini POV's for when I'm in the process of writing a main one but want to keep updating! :) love you guys!

Natasha POV:

I walked out almost as soon as it happened. No one else was around. Thank god for that.

I make sure that y/n is still in the training room, which she isn't, that's strange, she normally is round about this time.

I wander along the corridors, trying to find her but bump into Steve on the way. He knows something is wrong from a mile off. I mean why wouldn't he, he's one of my best fiends, he always does.

"Natasha, what's wrong?" he asks, and steps to the side so he's blocking me from getting past.

"I kissed Bruce" I reveal and he looks down disappointed, y/n was my girlfriend and his best friend other than Bucky.

"How could you do that" he asks, slightly raising his voice at me.

"It just happened, I never meant for it to" I try to amend the situation but it doesn't fix anything.

"You need to tell her" he warns and I nod, knowing at some point I would have to.

"She just cant know yet. I'll tell her soon" I say as we make our way to the lounge together. The rest of the team was already there, including y/n, there she was.

Her head was the first to shoot up at our entrance, she looked hurt. Surely she didn't know, right? I mean it only just happened.

"She knows" Steve whispers in my ear as he heads over to talk to Bucky, probably figuring out a new route into the Hydra facility.

"She knows" Pietro says as he zooms past me on his way to the training room.

"And I know she knows" Wanda telepathically sends me, the guilt sprawls across my face.

"I know" she sighs as she grabs her files from the coffee table and barges past me, sending Bruce a very forceful look as she does so.


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