Fix This - Yelena Belova (Angst) Part 3

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"Look I didn't think there was a relationship to jeopardise. I thought we were broken up" she attempts to take the weight off of her shoulders.

"We were on a break" I state.

"That for all I knew could last forever, that to me, is a break-up" she informs me.

"You think you're going to get out of this on a technicality?" I question, slightly unimpressed with how she was trying to wriggle her way out of this one.

"I'm not trying to get out of anything, okay. I thought our relationship was dead" she re-informs me, trying her best to defend her reasoning.

"Well, you sure had a hell of a time at the wake" I chuckle sarcastically through gritted teeth.

No one's POV:

"You know what? I don't think we should listen to this anymore" Bucky finally comes to his senses over how eaves dropping wouldn't fix anything.

Natasha pushes him back further into the cupboard, he's practically flattened against the wall now. "What are you doing? We can't go out there" she tells him in a whisper.

"Why not" he groans, "I'm hungry".

"Because then they'll know we've been listening" she smartly reminds the group and so they settle back down.

Yelena POV:

"And god, to have to hear about it from Peter" she suspires, annoyed that the kid was brought into it.

"Come on! Like I wanted him to tell you? I ran all over the place, trying to make sure that didn't happen" I argue back.

"Ohh, that is so sweet. I think I'm falling in love with you all over again" she says sarcastically.

"Look, Y/n, I wanted to tell you. I thought I should. I did. And then Tony and Bucky convinced me not to" I defend, trying to shift the blame onto someone else. And that someone else happened to be the two idiots I called my friends.

No one's POV:

Natasha and Wanda glare at Bucky and Tony, they both gulp.


"Don't you realise, none of this would ever have happened if I didn't think that at the same moment you were having sex with Natasha" she explains, I can't believe she would ever think that I'd sleep with my best friend behind her back, never-mind her sister.

"Alright. Let's say I had slept with Nat. Would you have been able to forgive me?" I make do with the situation she has created.

"Yes. I would" she replies quickly.

"You would be okay if you knew that Natasha had kissed me and been naked with me and made love to me?" I create a fake scenario to prove my point.

"Yes" she croaks out, quite clearly becoming uncomfortable in the situation but she caused this if anything.

"You knew that our hot, sweaty, writhing-" I continue to make my point better.

"Okay, okay. Yeah, I would have been devastated but I would still wanna be with you because it's- I mean it's you" she looks at me, completely honest.

No one's POV:

"Awww" Natasha, Wanda and Tony all say in unison.

Yelena POV:

"Look y/n, I'm so sorry okay. I'm sorry, I was out of my mind. I thought I'd lost you, I didn't know what to do, come on, come on. How insane must I have been to do something like this, I don't- I don't cheat alright I-. That's not me, I'm not Tony. You know what? I'm not the one that wanted that break okay. You're the one that bailed on us. You're the one that ran the moment things got just a little rough" I weakly defend.

"That's-" she starts.

"That's what?" I ask, not letting her finish.

"That is neither here, nor there" she states.

"Okay, well here we are now. We're in a tough spot again y/n. What do you wanna do? How do you wanna handle it? Do you wanna fight for us or do you wanna bail? I shout, my tempter getting the vest of me now. "Look, I did a terrible, stupid, stupid thing. Okay, and I'm sorry I wish I could take it back but I can't. I just cant see us throwing away something we know is so damn good" I try to salvage our relationship, although it's currently in pieces, sprawled across the kitchen floor. "Y/n I love you so much" I tell her and I kiss from her shoulders to her neck, then to her cheeks and I linger a small kiss on her lips before she pulls away, disgusted by my actions"

"No, Yelena! Don't! You can't just kiss me and think you're gonna make it all go away, okay? It doesn't work out that way, it doesn't just make everything better" she yells at me as she takes a seat on one of the dining chairs at the table.

"Okay, okay" I retreat back a few steps.

"I think you should go" she whispers.

"What?" I ask.

"I really think you need to go now" she states, trying to get me to leave.

"Okay, okay. This morning you said there was nothing so big that we couldn't work past it together" I remind her.

"What the hell did I know?" she slams her hand down onto the wooden table, starting me slightly.

"Look, there's gotta be a way we can work past this, okay. I-I can't imagine my life without you, you know without these arms" I fall to my knees in-front of her and begin to grip onto her arms that were now laying across her lap. She starts to cry. "And your face, and your little heart" I continue with tears now streaming down both of our faces. I touch her chest.

"I can't. You're a totally different person to me now. I used to think of you as somebody that would never, ever hurt me, ever" she starts to sob. "God and now I can't stop picturing you with her, I can't, it doesn't matter what you say or what you do Yelena. It's just changed everything forever"

"This can't be it, no" I object, not wanting this to end.

"Then how come it is?" she asks rhetorically as she stands up, composes herself and walks out of the kitchen.

Leaving everything that was once ours behind.

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