Driving With Y/n -Natasha/Yelena (Drabble)

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Y/n goes on a road trip through Russia with Natasha and Yelena and shows them how much of a judgemental driver she is.


The start of the trip goes according to plan. Not many problems and we make our way along the streets of Budapest pleasantly.

After a while we have to take some of the more rural roots to get to one of our main destinations and so not many people are around us for a while, making Yelena feel the need to turn the radio on full blast.

"I crashed my car into the bridge" I begin to sing along, receiving a smile from the blonde.

"I watched, I let it burn" Yelena joins in.

"I threw your shit into a bag and pushed it down the stairs" we sing together, Natasha was in the back avoiding eye contact with us at all costs, not wanting to be involved.

She eventually caves in, "I crashed my car into the bridge" she vocalises.

"I DON'T CARE" we all scream together and fall into a pit of laughter when the song ends.

The countryside route lasts for a little while and we finally reach the motorway:

"Get out the fucking way" I say to one of the cars beside us on the motorway that was driving at an annoying speed.

"Y/n, calm down" Yelena protests as I groan.

"Go" I state.

"Go" I say again, slightly louder.

"Go!" I shout at the non-moving car.

"Y/n, I think you should do as Yelena says" Natasha chirps in.

I ignore her comment and focus my attention back on the road, to what happens to be ANOTHER dangerously slow driver. "You're doing 30...IN A 50" I screech as I overtake them.

"I swear I'm going to personally kick you out of the car" Yelena warns me but I just smirk because she's a softie really and would never do such a thing.

"DID YOU REALLY HAVE ENOUGH TIME?!" I whine as I roll my window down, "Prick!" I shout as they drive away, repeating my words back to me.

We pass one of the entry points of the motorway and a small red mini comes in-front of us. Also agonisingly slow.

I clench my hands around the wheel. "They're learning. They're learning. They're learning" I repeat, calming myself down.

What then triggers me is their lack of indication. "Going to indicate? No. Okay!" I moan as I stick the finger up through the front window when they turn to look at me in their mirrors.

We approach a roundabout and the car beside me takes my spot. "It's a roundabout, you're meant to give way to the right!" I remind them.

The journey then calms down for quite a while, not many interventions until I notice everyone slowing down ahead of me.

"Why are we stopping. Why are you stopping? Why are you-" I begin, "Oh, there's been an accident" I notice and receive a slap on the back of the head from Natasha for my lack of empathy.

"You're letting me go?" I assume, "You're not letting me go" I groan, this miscommunication lasts for another few times. "Have a nice day" I mumble in pain.

The car that wasn't letting me out ended up in-front of us for quite a while later and the driver accidentally turns on the lights.

"You've got your hazards on. You pleb" I whisper but still loud enough to receive a glare from the blonde behind me.

"Language" Natasha smirks.

"Well thank god for that" I sigh in relief when they eventually stop blinding me with their lights. "I bet they're old. I bet they're old. They're old!" I shout as they attempt to park in a space outside a shop next to us on the main road.  They quite clearly have some difficulties doing so.

"How can you not park in that space? You could fit a tank in there!" I tell them even though they can't hear me, "Well go on, you can get through there" I say as I reverse, allowing them to have a little bit more space while we wait in traffic. "I've left you enough room. I've left you enough room!" I shout back at them again and they eventually get in there.

"You need help" Yelena mumbles and I glare at her.

"Shut up, you'd be the same" I tell her and she chuckles lightly.

"Sure" she replies.

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