Kinky - Yelena (Drabble)

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I begin to seriously debate whether or not I should have trusted someone else with helping me now that I'm finally outside the gym lockers in the compound with Yelena beside me.

It's not that I don't trust her, I do, I really do. But she's just a lot to handle at times, you know? Especially with things like this, she gets really emotionally involved and tries too hard. It can be cute but also really inconvenient.

"Do you have something better than handcuffs this time?" I question, the blonde beside me beams and reaches forward to unlock the locker.

She happily states "Yeah, much better". I can't tell whether or not I should trust those words just yet though.

She picks up her gym bag from the locker and a long chain falls out. A very never-ending chain. It just continuously slips out of the bag, as if there was no end to it.

"Oops" the Russian half-heartedly apologises.

A clatter is heard from out-with the changing room and I internally panic, as does Yelena. Whoever walks into this is going to think the absolute worse-case scenario no doubt. They won't even let us explain what this chain is actually meant for. Without a shadow of a doubt they'll just assume that we're trying some things out in the bedroom and will torment us with the idea of it for the rest of our lives.

Pants can be heard from the other side of the door. It was definitely Natasha. Not the worst person it could have been to be fair, she might be more likely to believe whatever story we make up on the spot.

All of this happens while the chain continues to fall. There is genuinely no end to this. This is what I meant by saying I should have asked someone else!

Natasha rushes in, and is quickly followed by every other avenger. Great. I really thought we'd get out of this one, but apparently not.

Steve leans against the doorway as everyone gathers around the lockers behind myself and Yelena. "What in the world?" Steve whispers to Bucky.

A smirk arises from the corners of Bucky's mouth. "You kinky bitches" he chuckles, earning a few giggles from everyone else in the room. I roll my eyes as far as they could possibly go and Yelena sighs in defeat, both of us watching as the end of the chain finally falls to join the heap on the floor.

I look up at Yelena, dreading whatever interrogation we are about to receive. "Part of me wants to ask" Tony speaks up. I hang my head in shame. "The other part of me says that knowing, will be more disturbing than anything I could ever imagine" he concludes, " I'm gonna walk away".

As he slips past the others huddled together in the room Yelena decides to say something. "That's good, that's a wise choice Tony" she says with defeat.

We finally turn around to be met face to face with the blank expressions of the avengers. Oh lord have mercy on our souls.

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