Prom - Peter Parker (Angst)

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Y/n is asked by Brad to go to prom and Peter gets upset over it as he wanted to ask her but it was too late, she'd already said yes.


"Did he ask you to the prom?" Peter questions, hurt laced through his voice as he walks over to me and Brad standing outside of school with MJ.

"Yeah. Why?" I ask, not entirely knowing why he was angry at me for it.

"It's bullshit!" he shouts and MJ looks surprised at his use of words.

"Wait...someone asking me to prom is bullshit?" I question his words and his eyes scan between mines and Brads. He looks down, guilty over how he said it.

"I thought we were gonna go together" he groans.

"Alright, Peter, enough is enough" Brad speaks up finally. "This isn't cool anymore. I like this girl, and you gotta stop this whole bet thing" he lets it slip and Peters face completely falls.

I look at Peter and then back to Brad. "" I repeat.

"Yeah, it was so stupid y/n. Peter said he could make any girl prom Queen since her no doubt be king, given how everyone knows he's Spider-Man now, and you're the one he picked to do that to" he reveals and my heart feels like it stopped. "People have feelings man" he says to Peter and Peter clutches his fists together in anger.

"Is that true?" I ask the boy who I once considered my best friend. His eyes fill with tears. It's true. His lip begins to quiver as he attempts to form a sentence.

"Am I a bet? Am I a fucking bet?!" I shout at him, not caring who else was listening in on our conversation.

"Y/n..." he starts.

"Answer the question Parker" I used his last name, something I've never done before.

"Peter..." I whisper.

"Yes" he admits.

"Fuck you!" I scream as I pull away from Brads grasp and walk away across the other side of the campus.

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