She's All That - Hayley Atwell (Angst)

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Y/n is considered a loser compared to her celebrity hot-shot friends. Hayley, a mutual friend through Chris, is dared to make y/n more attractive by a friend and she couldn't say no.

What will happen when y/n finds out?


I was sitting with Elizabeth eating lunch on set as per usual and Hayley Atwell starts to approach us. Slightly odd, considering I've never actually spoken a word to the woman.

"Hello ladies" she greets, far too positive for my liking as I have a gut feeling that she doesn't actually like me.

"Hey" I reply shortly, trying my best to have minimal conversation with her as it is already as awkward as it could possibly be. "What's up?" I question, desperate for her to leave.

"I have a favour to ask you, y/n" she proposes and I internally groan. Of course she does.

"What can I help you with?" I smile through gritted teeth, not wanting to seem rude but at the same time not exactly wanting to be pleasant towards her. Elizabeth shoots me a glare though so I wipe the glare off of my own face and relax slightly.

"There's a party this weekend at Chris' house for his birthday and I've been asked to invite you guys. But my main question was if you would do me the honour and be my date?" she asks and I roll my eyes while standing up. Who did she think I was?

"Thanks, but no thanks" I say as I walk away from the pair, about to walk back to my trailer, only to be pulled back by the collar of my shirt by Elizabeth.

"C'mon y/n" she pleads with her biggest puppy dog eyes, I won't deny that it's cute and the words that came out of my mouth next, pained me.

"Fine" I huff as I continue walking away.

"Thank you!" Hayley shouts but I just ignore her. I probably shouldn't have been such a dick. I'll apologise later for it I guess.

Hayley POV:

The plan was working! Yesterday y/n agreed to go to the party with me. Sure enough, it was reluctant but never the less.

I pull up outside her house with a bag of new clothes. Y/n had told me that she didn't actually have anything formal to wear for tonight and it was just typical. It infuriated me how unorganised she was for it. Fair enough, she only had a day's notice but still!

She opens the door as I walk up the drive way and flashes me a quick smile before disappearing back inside.

I close the door at my back and follow her inside.

"Sorry for being such a bitch yesterday" she apologised.

I wave it off, "It's fine, I can't blame you when we've never spoken a word before"

"Yeah" she replies, slowly making her way round the kitchen island and she grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and slides me one along the counter.

"Thanks" I smile.

"How come you asked me to go anyways?" she questions. I panic. Fuck.

"Just felt like we should get to know each other now and stop being strangers" I play it off. She just nods.

"Alright then" she says as she reaches for the bag that I had placed on the counter. I pull it back just as her fingers were about to grab the handle. She gives me a confused look.

"Don't huff and puff, you're wearing it and that's final" I warn and she rolls her eyes playfully before grabbing the bag and walking into her room to change.


I feel ridiculous. I've never worn anything this formal in my life. Well other than the odd suit I've had to wear for either work or family events. I believe my sisters wedding was the last time I wore one, and that was 2 years ago.

The button up shirt complimented my muscles slightly which I appreciated. I liked a somewhat tightly fit shirt. And then the suit jacket and trousers were also not as bad as I thought they would be to be fair.

Hayley was practically breaking the door down sooner or later because I was apparently 'taking too long' but it's only been 10 minutes and the shirt was a nightmare to button.

I twisted the knob of my bedroom door and walked back into the kitchen, the heels of the shoes clicking against the floorboards.

Hayley looks me up and down and smirks slightly before covering it up, not before I noticed it though.

"You look great" she compliments. Quite weird since I don't think she's ever done it before but I don't dwell on it too much and I then drive us to the party.

I could sense Hayley staring at me in the car but I knew if I did the same to her it would make things weird so I just focused on the road.

Hayley POV:

By the time we get to the party it is just getting into the full swing. I notice a few of our cast-mates shocked faces when y/n walked in looking very hot, I won't even try to hide the fact because it's true. Who'd have thought if she tried she could look this good.

Chris approaches me with a smile from ear to ear. "Since when have you and y/n been a thing?" he asks with a slight leap in his step.

"Oh, no, we're not together" I push the idea away and he tuts.

"That's what they all say, I've saw the way you've been looking at her Hayley" he comments and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever" I huff before walking away to get another glass of wine. I can't help but stare at y/n as I pass her standing with Elizabeth.

The party feels like it has lasted forever before Chris sends all his personal friends and family home due to the time and it's just the marvel cast left in his living room, all of us slightly tipsy, other than y/n since she apparently doesn't drink.

We all agree on playing truth or dare as deep down we are all quite childish. The first few rounds were boring, just a few kisses on the cheek and some taking shots, nothing too excessive just yet. That's before it got to my turn.

"Hayley, truth or dare" someone shouts from the group of us and I answer almost immediately, not thinking too much of my answer.

"Dare" I reply easily.

"I dare you to tell y/n what shes really doing here" Emily asks with a smug look plastered across her face.

My face fell as the words rolled off her tongue. What made things worse was the look I got from y/n.


What was Emily talking about?

"What does she mean?" I ask Hayley and her face falls once it lands upon mines. "Hayley" I push when I receive no answer from the brunette.

"I-" she stutters, why would she stutter if she already told me why she asked. Unless what she told me wasn't true.

"I dared her to change your appearance" Emily replies drunkly, alcohol wreaking of of her at this point. She was definitely very drunk but that wasn't the main concern right now.

"I was a bet?" I shout across the room, standing up in anger.

"I'm sorry" is all Hayley manages to croak out and I storm out of the house.

That's the last time I'll ever think that anyone is capable of change.

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