Gorgeous - Pepper Potts

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Y/n meets Pepper Potts, executive business woman at a bar and is immediately drawn to her.


"One more whiskey on ice for me please mate" I request from the bartender and he nods before making his way round back to grab a glass with ice for me.

A group of women walk into the bar and one in particular catches my eye. She's relatively tall, ginger, she gives off a gentle vibe about her and her smile is absolutely infectious already.

I'm almost drawn to her instantly and it's a strange attraction. I'm not normally like this, usually I can take a few glances and get on with my day but something about this girl has my absolute attention.

The group of women around her begin to giggle to themselves and I turn my head around slightly to see what was going on, all I see is her diverting her attention away from me almost as soon as I look at her and a blush that falls upon her cheeks.

Her friends seem to mouth something along the lines of 'go on' and I catch onto one of them saying 'off you pop' which made me chuckle slightly, it's not something you hear many people saying anymore.

I watch her carefully walk over to me and she takes a seat in the vacant bar stool beside me, sending a small smile my way as she orders her drink.

"You alright love?" I ask as I notice her once again staring at me. I'm not exactly sure what she was doing, it's almost like she was trying to read me.

"Yeah. All good, you?" she asks me, almost avoiding my question but still somehow answering at the same time. She's good.

"I'm alright I suppose, my mates dragged me along here to meet people but they've wandered off elsewhere" I explain and she giggles slightly.

"Don't seem like very good friends" she teases and I roll my eyes playfully at her comment. It was true, they could be dicks sometimes.

"Well by the looks of things your friends can also be very persistent and annoyingly pushing" I inform her and she looks back to them, they were still grinning from ear to ear as they observe our interaction.

"I guess you could say that, they just wanted me to come and talk to you" she tells me and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"What exactly did you want to talk to me about?" I ask with a smirk crawling up into the corner of my lips.

"Honestly, I have no idea, you just made me curious. You know?" she says and I nod my head in acceptance. I felt the same way, and it's not like I was complaining.

"Oh so I'm enticing?" I joke and she shoves my arm in a playful manner.

Her laugh was like music to my ears. She was American, almost definitely.

"I am deeply saddened by my intense lack of game right now. But my god you are gorgeous" I say boldly and she blushes at my remark.

"Thank you, that's sweet" she blesses me and I can't help but internally scream at how much I seem to be messing this up. "You too by the way, you're very attractive" she informs me and I wave it off, she's just being nice.

She thinks for a short moment about what she was going to say next, taking me disregarding her compliment as if I was saying I wasn't attractive, which I was, just not in a bad way. "Genuinely I feel like I can't say anything to you right now. I mean just look at you"

I scratch the back of my neck and look down to the glass in-front of me, whispering a small 'thank you' to her.

"So where are you from?" I ask, wanting to confirm my suspicion of her being from somewhere in America.

"I'm from around here, I guess you could say I'm a local woman" she answers easily and I smile to myself at how I guessed it right. "You?" she asks.

"Glasgow in Scotland" I state and she smiles.

"I would have guessed so" she informs me and I chuckle at her cockiness.

"I could say the same to you, Miss America" I joke and she giggles once again as she takes a drink. "So what brings you here?" I ask.

"Work" she replies shortly, it must be a sensitive topic? Or maybe she just doesn't like taking about her area of expertise.

"Oh, what's your job? If you don't mind me asking" I add on, not wanting to hit a nerve as she seemed tense as soon as she spoke about it.

"I'm a business woman" she tells me and I can't help but wonder if I know her from somewhere or not, or if I've heard her company branch before.

And then it clicks, I know exactly who she is and we haven't even given names yet. But, I'm talking to Pepper Potts, executive to Stark Industries. Out of all the people in the bar she could have approached she chose me.

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