Goodbye - Bucky Barnes (Angst)

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Y/n needs to leave for a mission for the Avengers and she couldn't bring herself to say goodbye to Bucky. He didn't understand why and asked her about it.

Bucky POV:

It made no sense. I just cant wrap my head around it all.

Y/n and I used to date but that was a long time ago. Like 1940s time. I was still in love with her but will never bring myself to say the words to her because I know she doesn't feel the same anymore. Everything has changed, for the both of us.

I just don't understand why she thought I wouldn't find out about her sneaking off on a mission without even saying goodbye to me. What if something happens to one of us while she's gone and the last thing that we said to each-other was the angry words of an argument.

The argument I'm talking about is the one we had last week. I brought up the way y/n was flirting with some guy at one of Stark's parties and she got mad at me because I had no right to be annoyed with it. Which of course I didn't, considering we weren't together but I couldn't help but feel almost jealous.


I drag my suitcase across the floors of Stark Tower, making my way to the main lobby.

As I step out of the elevator on the main floor I receive a whole bunch of hugs from everyone.

"We're gonna miss you" Wanda says sadly, I give her an extra long hug to make her feel better.

"I'll be back in no time Witchy" I assure her and she smiles sweetly at me.

"Try not to die" Pietro jokes and I shove him slightly with a chuckle. "I'm kidding, be careful Princessa" he says and I give him a kiss on the cheek and ruffle his hair as I pull away.

The rest of the gang give me their goodbyes and I return them. Just as I was about to get back into the elevator to continue my journey to the ground floor Bucky enters the room, a glare spread across his face.

Bucky POV:

"I don't get a goodbye?!" I shout at her as I make my presence noticeable. She just stares at me.

"What?" she asks with a blank look on her face, it annoyed me even more how dumb she was acting, as if she didn't know why I was mad.

"Everyone else gets a goodbye, but me?" I remind her of what she has just done.
"You know what, after all we have been through, I can't believe this is how you want to leave things between us" I yelled at her as I got closer to her standing by the elevator. The grip she had on the suitcase tightened, making her knuckles go white.

"You really think I didn't say goodbye because I don't care?" she asks, hurt clear in the tone of her voice. "I cannot believe that after all the years you do not know one thing about me!" she shouts back at me.

"Fine, then why didn't you say something?" I huff back at her, not letting her turn this situation around.

The avengers just stood around us, not knowing what to do or say. It seems as if they're too scared to move. I ignore them and continue with y/n.

"Because it is too damn hard James" she whimpers, letting go of her suitcase. My stern look dropped off of my face as soon as she addressed me the same way as she would when we were in love. "I can't even begin to explain to you how much I am going to miss you" she cries, "When I think about not seeing you every day, it makes me not want to go. Okay? So if you think that...that I didn't say goodbye to you because you don't mean as much to me as everybody else, you're wrong, it is because you mean more to me. So there, alright? There's your goodbye" she wipes the tears that fell and grabs her things before pushing her way into the elevator.

I go to join her but she stops me. I've never been so submissive to her before but my feet halt at her words.

"Don't" is all she says as the doors close.

She was gone.

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