After - Natasha Romanoff (part 2)

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The next morning Natasha wakes up and has to go on a mission and she has a fight in the hotel corridor over the events that took place the night before with y/n.


"Natasha, come back to bed" I mumble against my pillow, listening to her scurrying about the lounge on the phone to one of her managers I believe.

"What do you want from me?!" she yells back at me as soon as she ends the call, throwing it onto the table as she does so.

I slip out of the sheets and wrap a towel around my naked body that was laying across the floor of the bedroom, making my way into the lounge area.

"Privacy!" she squeals, turning away from me as she shuffles into the kitchen half dressed.

"You want privacy? I've seen you like this more times than I can count" I remind her and she huffs.

"Don't remind me" she shouts daggers at the back of my head as I turn around walk over to grab my phone from the bedroom.

"Okay, so you're not exactly thrilled about what happened last night" I assume and she chuckles.

"Of course I'm not. It was a mistake. We both know that" she says and I can't help but feel hurt at her words. I want her.

"Well we can't exactly take it back" I inform her and she mumbles something under her breathe. I can't make out what it was but my the look on her face it wasn't something exactly nice about me.

Before I know it we're walking down the halls of the hotel. Her, heading for the elevator with her purse in hand and myself treading behind her like a lost puppy with merely a towel wrapped around my body.

"God put some clothes on" she shouts back at me as she pushes the elevator button as many times as she could.

"Well that's not exactly my number one priority right now" I say and she looks at me, curious as to what I have to say for myself.

"Then what is?" she asks questionably as she waits for the doors to open.

"I want you back Natasha. I know I fucked everything up and I'm sorry. I wish I could take it all back but I can't" I plead and she looks as if she's deciding whether or not to hit me or talk to me.

She apparently decides to go with option one as a harsh slap comes into contact with the side of my face, causing me to turn away from her.

"What the fuck?!" I exclaim as I hold the spot that had just been struck by the blonde.

"You deserved that" she states and starts to tap her foot impatiently, still waiting for the elevator to arrive.

"Talk to me, please" I beg and she clutches her purse tighter between her hands.

"You know...I loved you in secret for so long" she lets me know. The reason to which I'm not sure of yet.

Love to her, was something that came rarely. She was brought up to believe that it was solely for children. This way, I know she meant it when she says it.

"I love you too" I say truthfully, stepping forward to take her hand in mine but she pulls away.

"No. Loved. Past tense" she grits and fists her hands together in anger. "We loved without reason. That's the problem. I don't know why I did but I did" she states with tears pooling in the corners of her eyes.

"I've still got a picture of your face in my wallet" I chuckle slightly and she returns a light one back. I contemplate on running back into the bedroom to prove it but knowing my luck she'd make a run for it as soon as I did so I stayed instead.

"I could've spent forever with your hands in my pocket. Picture of your face in my invisible locket" she notifies me. I didn't know that she would have, or I would have stayed.

"You said there was nothing in the world that could stop it" I remind her and she looks at me guiltily as if she felt bad about changing her mind.

"Oh darling, you had my bed turned into a sacred oasis" she giggles to herself, reminiscing our past times tangled amongst one another in the bedsheets, not a care about the world around us.

"That was before you decided to sleep with other guys when we ended, right?" I ask boldly. Reminding her of the trail of guys whom she'd lured into her chambers when things were 'over' between us.

"You don't get to tell me who I can and can't sleep with y/n!" her smile fades. She was right, I didn't but it didn't stop me from bringing the topic up.

"Yeah? Well when you were with that guy I was fucking Carol!" I yell back at her, surely waking up our neighbours.

"Fuck you!" she screams, grabbing a bottle of shampoo from a nearby housekeeping cart and throwing at me with force.

She huffs at the elevator failing to arrive and then her eyes land upon the 'Out Of Order' sign. I honestly have no idea how she didn't notice it beforehand and so I can't help but smirk to myself.

She contemplates on saying something but decides against it. Instead, storming down the hall and through the double doors towards the stairs. Not even caring to say goodbye one last time.

But we were dancing. Dancing with our hands tied.

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