Y/n - Pietro Maximoff (Drabble)

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Pietro tells Clint about a girl that he had fallen in love with back in Sokovia.

Pietro POV:

"Her name was y/n" I tell him and he smiles at how happy I am when I'm talking about her.

"What was she like" he asks, completely focused on our conversation, not caring about the other avengers in the jet.

"I was kinda shy but she was a daredevil" I chuckle as I remember what the girl was like back then.

"What else?" he questions.

"She liked to smoke" I shake my head at how often she used to do it, I hated it but I couldn't bring myself to make her stop. "But she didn't like to drink cause she knew her parents would yell at her" I add, I mind that her father was always quite hard on her so she had to do the smoking in secret.
"And she said hey, Pietro...you know I really like hanging out with you. I think I really wanna kiss you" I reminisce about the time and how shocked I was when she told me. "But she said I don't wanna scare you" I smile and then tell him about the events that took place afterwards, missing out the main details obviously since who tells someone exactly how they kiss or sleep with someone.

"So she was your first?" he asks and I nod.

"Yeah. She's the only girl I've ever loved" I explain and he gives me a pat on the back.

"We'll find her kid" he assures me.

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