Interview - Elizabeth/Scarlett (Drabble)

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During an interview the cast are asked who their favourite two people to work with are.


"Uh probably Paul Bettany and Chris Evans" Elizabeth answers easily, not taking too long to decide on an answer.

"I'd say Chris Evans also and Brie" Scarlett says, happy with her answer.

I'm not gonna lie, it hurt that they didn't even consider me as one of their options. It's not like we've all been friends for as long as I can remember. It's not as if I've taken care of them after a break-up or when they're sick. It's nothing, really.

"For me it has to be Scarlett and Elizabeth" I reveal and they both look at me, feeling bad about their honest answers.

"Oh my god" Elizabeth gasps quietly, fidgeting with her rings slightly.

Once the interview had finished I dragged myself back to my trailer and played with my phone. I was interrupted by a rather loud banging at the door and so I get up to see what's going on.

As soon as I open the door the slightest bit, Elizabeth and Scarlett are barging their way in, not caring if I was occupied or not.

"Um, hi?" I say in a question, not knowing what they were doing here.

They place a bag of take-out on the table and my confusion grows, if anything.

"What's going on?" I ask and they turn to me, apologetic looks across their faces.

"We're sorry about the interview" they say in unison, as if it was staged. I wave it off.

"It's fine, it's nothing" I lie and Scarlett tilts her head.

"No it was wrong, we shouldn't have done that" she explains and I sigh.

"It's alright" I assure them and they relax.

We all sit in a comfortable conversation and dig into our dinner. Maybe they should upset me more often if I get free food out of it.

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