Hey it's Y/n - Tony Stark (Angst)

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Y/n is Tony's kid. He slept with a woman at one of his famous parties and as a result y/n came along unintentionally. Tony never wanted a kid and so he shut her out, hoping that she'd get the message but she was consistent and he ended up promising to be a better father for them.


I pace around my bedroom of my apartment. It's not much, I don't have a lot of money though so it's alright given my circumstances. But it's home.

I clutch my phone in my hand, contemplating whether or not to get calling him out of my system. The 'him' in this situation is my father, well birth father, he's not really been much of one other than that part of getting my mother knocked up at one of his famous parties, or so I've been told.

My mother has always been there for me, she's my person in other words and she's been nothing but supportive of my decisions and actions I've made throughout my life. By now I'm 17 and have a lot ahead of me. But what's holding me back is him.

Last year I managed to get a hold of him, though it took a lot of time and effort as he's not an easy man to contact and he swore that he'd be better. He even arranged a few days for us to get to know each-other, but that stuff didn't last. Sooner or later he forgot about me and continued to move on with his new family, leaving me behind once again.

I pluck up the courage to do it and I dial in his number, pasting it down exactly from what I had written on a note in-front of me of his number. It rung for quite some time until it hit the answer machine. Typical. I don't know why I'd expected anything else.

None the less, I record a voicemail for him, in the off chance that he'd eventually listen to it.

"Hey it's y/n. Haven't heard from you in months" I chuckle lightly.
"I guess that promise you made me last year didn't mean that much to you at all, you've moved on with your new little happy family, or so I've been told" I inform him.
"I'm sorry for calling again. I know I'm probably the last person you want to hear from" I apologise with tears now rolling down my cheeks as I collapse onto my bed.
"I miss you..." I end the recording and throw my phone across the floor. Continuing to cry in a heap.

1 week later:

*ring ring*...

"This is the voicemail for...Tony Stark. Please leave a message after the tone. *beep*" my phone calls out. I sigh and reluctantly talk back to the dead end.

"Hey it's y/n...again. I heard you got married the other day. Seems like you've fallen for a woman with bright blue eyes and a gold barret...she seems so nice" I stutter slightly, remembering the state he chose to leave my mother in.
"...I guess this is goodbye" I assume considering at this rate he's never going to call me back. "She's by your side" I assure him lightly, even though I hate that he's moved on without us.

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