Dye Prank - Florence Pugh

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Y/n and Chris Hemsworth decide to swap Florence's shampoo for a hair dye bottle and switches the labels around while they're on set together.


"She's gonna kill us" I warn Hemsworth as we lean over the bathroom sink of Florence's trailer swapping the labels of the bottles around. He just giggles and eggs me on to continue doing it.

We place the bottle in her shower and we sneak out the back of the trailer just as she enters it and we hide out in my own trailer across the lot from hers.

We wait around 15 minutes and get bored and so we decide to call the other guys over to join us and we tell everyone what we've done to Florence, we receive a few 'ooohhs' and 'oh my god's but it is interrupted when a very pissed off Florence shows up at the door with a towel wrapped around her head.

"Does someone have something they'd like to explain to me?" she questions while looking around the room full of people, making direct eye contact with each and every one of us.

I gulp, "What are you talking about Flo?" I question, attempting to hide the fact that it was mostly me.

She pulls off the towel and the room is quickly filled with not very discrete giggles from near enough everyone. Florence just stands there with her eyes crossed, still waiting for someone to take the blame. No one says anything but everyone looks over in my direction slightly and silently blame me.

Florence gives me an 'I'm gonna kill you with my bare hands' face and leaps across the room to get me.

I dart up in an instant and run to the other side of the very small trailer, locking myself in my bathroom.

Florence bangs on the door and very quickly becomes impatient when she realises I won't open the door when she's waiting to attack.

I don't hear any movement outside the door and I contemplate making another run for it but just as I'm about to do so I hear her walk away from the door and I take it as my chance to leave. Only to regret doing so as soon as I open the door. Florence is stood in-front of me with a smug look on her face. She tricked me. I look over to Hemsworth and he's somehow managed to get himself out of the blame for this one as it looks like all is forgiven for his part played in the prank.

"Hey Flo, imagine seeing you here" I joke, trying to hide my fear of the short blonde in-front of me. Sure she might be small but they're the scariest ones.

"Ha ha" she rolls her eyes and pounces at me, I swiftly run past her, only to be thrown onto the couch by Hemsworth. Son of a bitch.

Florence jumps on top of me and pins me down.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry okay" I plead and she thinks about letting me go.

"You're an idiot" she states and hits me playfully.

"Blue suits you at least" I joke and she gives me a death glare.

"It would if it wasn't patchy" she complains and I giggle.

"It's washable, don't worry, I'm not that mean" I inform her and she sighs in relief.

"Well thank god for that" she replies sarcastically.

"By the way Hemsworth wanted to do it permanently, I had to talk him out of it" I say and her head shoots up to Hemsworth.

"You were involved?!" she shouts but in a playful manner.

He gulps, "Um, nice talk" he says before making his way out of the trailer. Florence returns her attention back to me.

"I'll get you back for this" she threatens and I nod quickly, willing to do anything to get the blonde off of me, still slightly scared that she'd attempt to strangle me at any time.

Quick tip: Don't give into doing a stupid prank with Chris.

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