Her - Wanda Maximoff / Part 2

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Wanda POV:

It's almost been a week since the whole situation and I can't help but want to be with her. All the time. It's like she's in my head constantly and I can't get her out of it, no matter what I do. And it doesn't matter where I am or what I'm doing, it still happens. Whether I'm in class or laying with vision. She's there.

"Miss Maximoff?" the teacher calls my name and I snap out it.

"Yes?" I ask, wanting to know what they were trying to get my attention for.

"Would you like to tell everyone the answer?" they ask rather smugly, too smugly for my liking. It's as if they know that I wasn't paying attention.

"Uh-" I panic but someone whispers me the answer from the seat behind in-front of me, turning their head slightly to do so and I repeat it once I catch onto what they said.

"Very well" the teacher congratulates me in one way or another and turns back to face the board, continuing to scribble down notes as the rest of the class copies them down vigorously .

"Thanks for that...my mind was elsewhere" I thank the person in-front of me, I couldn't quite make out who it was because they had a hood up but I somehow recognised their voice.

"Don't mention it" they say as they turn their head round to face me properly. It's her. Except she has a bruised cheekbone, she didn't have that the last time I saw her.

God I didn't even know she was in this class. If I'd known I would have tried to talk to her earlier. There are so many things that I want to explain or at least try to but every time I think about doing it I back out at the last minute and decide against doing so.

"Can we talk?" I whisper, leaning forward so that I'm confident that she heard me. Her jaw clenches slightly as the words fall of of my tongue. She's considering it.

"Fine" she mumbles, I instantly shoot my hand in the air to ask if I can be excused from the classroom, hoping y/n would do the same after me. The teacher takes a while to catch onto my attempt to grab her attention but allows me to go to the bathroom once I ask.

As I slip out into the corridor after exiting the classroom I hear y/n's seat scrape across the floor. Yes.

She walks into the corridor and meets me against the lockers across the hall, she doesn't quite know where to look by the seems of things so she just kinda stares at the floor but so am I so I can't really say anything.

"Are we gonna talk here, or...?" she asks slowly as her head lifts up for her eyes to scan across the halls, making sure that no one else was around.

"Um..." I start to trial off but my eyes land on a slightly ajar storage cupboard and before I even give her time to register what was going on I grab her hand and drag her inside with me, closing the door behind us but by the force I shoved us both in with we collided into each-other against the wall, me against the wall.

Our hot breaths were the only sound that filled the room. Our eyes scanning one another, analysing every single feature that rests upon our faces.

"Fuck it" she whispers to herself, I furrow my eyebrows in confusion but they instantly relax as she steps forward, cups my cheeks quickly and pulls me forward for a kiss. I moan into the kiss as soon as it happens, not caring if anyone was to walk in at any moment.

Maybe some things are meant to be after all.

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