Virgin - Peter Parker (Drabble)

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Peter POV:

I can't help the smile from spreading across my face as I skip around the compound. Me and MJ finally did it! We really did it. I can't sit here and say I wasn't a nervous wreck...because I was, but that's besides the point. It's a new milestone in our relationship. Part of which I wasn't really sure we'd ever get to, mostly because it just didn't seem like something that was gonna happen on its own.

I plop myself down onto the couch in the central sitting area of the compound. Earning a few smiles from my fellow Avengers around me.

I know they still look at me like I'm just a kid. Thor quite literally handed me a pop tart and a carton of apple juice while saying 'here's a snack kiddo!" the other day. Not that I complained or denied the snacks. They were rather tasty. That's why I'm probably not even gonna suggest the idea to Tony of what I'd experienced with MJ.

Y/n then walks into the room and takes the seat next to me, immediately observing that something was different with me. She's always been able to do that and it's so frickin annoying!

"What's happened Parker?" she questions, her eyes narrowing as the tries to figure it out by herself.

I shift uncomfortable and look away as soon as possible. "Nothing? I haven't even said anything" I state, causing the other avengers to look towards the conversation between the two of us, as if they were trying to figure out whether it's important enough or not to listen in on.

Her eyes widen and her hand flies across her mouth, holding back any sound that might of sneak its away out if she hasn't done so. It doesn't stop the giggle from erupting however from Wanda in the corner.

God I forgot they could both read minds. How on earth am I going to get out of this one?

"What is it?" Tony questions, involving himself. His eyes make their way over towards y/n and he can tell she knows something she shouldn't.

I shoot them both glares, only to be given back y/n waving her arms in defence as if she didn't even mean to do it, but she did. "Parker here has-" she begins, without even thinking I pick up the nearest pillow and haller it towards her.

The room goes deadly silent. Nobody dares to move a muscle. I definitely made the mistake of doing that.

Just as she goes to reveal all she knows to the entire room, I decide to do it myself so that I at least have some say on how it is mentioned. "MJ and I...we joined our-" I have to stop myself, not entirely knowing where I was planning on going with this. "We crossed that beauteous threshold into the physical expression of love" I conclude proudly, beaming at y/n who only scowls back at me as she wasn't permitted the change to tell everyone herself.

Tony speaks up "...have you ever heard a straight guy describe sex that way?" he asks, receiving a few agreeing nods from the others.

"That's what he meant?" Rhodes asks astonished, as if his train of thought wasn't even steering in the right direction of the topic of conversation.

Natasha slouches further into her position on the couch across from us, beside Yelena and Bucky. "Why does that feel worse to me?" she asks herself, rolling her eyes in the process.

A clap is heard from the doorway of the room, all heads turn towards it. "Hey y/n, you're the last virgin!" Sam shouts, everyone looks towards y/n to see what she has to say for herself. Even her father, Tony.

"Ha, please! I'm dating a super soldier, I'm having hotter sex than-" the colour in her cheeks instantly disappears, and she appears almost ghostlike. I'm guessing she realised that she had not yet told everyone about her secret affair with one of the soldiers. Not even to me.

Her head snaps towards her father, of which has an unreadable expression. "I'd like to clarify that it's not me" Steve proclaims, waving his arms up in surrender as he nods towards Tony and makes his way to the gym with Natasha, excluding themselves from whatever happens next.

"MY DAUGHTER?!" Tony yells at Bucky, his metal arm grips into the cushion on his lap. Seeming to be almost scared. He mumbles to himself before darting to the door in an attempt to run away from Tony, only to be chased across the room.

Well this is going to be eventful...

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