Her - Wanda Maximoff (Fluff/Angst)

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Wanda is dating vision in high school and everything is fine and dandy. That is until she develops feelings for one of his teammates, y/n y/l/n, and things come crashing down for Miss Maximoff. Will she confess her feelings or stay loyal to him?

Wanda POV:

I can't help but glance towards y/n on the field. Sure, Vision is great and swell but she's something else. I've never quite felt this way for anyone in-fact, it's like I can't help but be attracted towards her, no matter how hard I try not to be. Because it's not right, I love vision...right?

But the way her muscles tense as she throws the ball and how the sweat runs off her back, alongside her very toned abs that show when she uses the bottom of her shirt to wipe her heated face. It makes me feel something. Something that I shouldn't.

"Hello, my love" Vision formally greets me as he usually does as he approaches me on the bleachers. I smile at him, patting the spot next to me to sit down.

"Sorry, I can't, I've got to go do some weights in the gym" he apologises and I try my best to conceal my disappointment.

"It's alright, off you pop" I wave it off and he gives me a peck on the cheek as he walks away.

I notice y/n cooling down and she waves at me when she catches onto my glances towards her, I blush slightly and wave back. She takes this as an invite to come over and she sits next to me.

"You alright?" she questions and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
"You kept looking at me, I thought something was wrong" she informs me and I giggle.

"I'm okay" I assure her. "I was just..." I begin but realise I have no idea how to cover this one up.

"...trying to figure out how to play?" she jokes and I nudge her shoulder. She chuckles to herself.
"I'm kidding princess, I'm sure you know how considering your boyfriend plays with me" she says and I look down remembering him.

"Yeah, he does. He's very good" I say, reminding myself that he's the one I want, not her.

"He is. Just obviously not as good as me" she states confidently but in a jokingly manner.

"You're quite cocky, aren't you?" I laugh and she shrugs.

"Only if I can back it up" she says and I can't help but admire her side profile.

The way her jaw contracts as she speaks, making her cheek and neck muscles pop. How her hazel eyes sparkle in the sun. The way her long hair waves slightly with the wind. And even her smile. It's like nothing I've ever saw before.

"Oh, can you now? And how can you do that?" I ask questionably, playing along with her antics.

"Wanna play?" she suggests as she points to a free ball across the pitch. The rest of her team had now gone in so it was just us left outside since school was over by now.

"Uh sure" I reluctantly agree, not wanting to seem rude but at the same time terrified because I've never actually played before. Maybe because vision didn't think I could or wanted to but it wasn't true.

We wound up playing for quite some time. I really enjoyed her company. Alongside her smile that came out when she laughed at my inability to play, of course. God I could watch her smile all day, everyday. It's addictive and contagious, not to mention sexy.

"I can see you staring Maximoff" she informs me with her cheeky grin. God I wish I could wipe that smile off of her face but she suits it so well. Ugh.

I look away quickly and divert my attention to a patch of grass on the pitch. "Dunno what you're talking about" I play it off but as soon as my eyes land on hers once again I'm caught out in the act, and she knows it.

"What's up?" she questions, genuinely concerned as to what's going on with me. If only she knew.

"Nothing, I'm fine" I lie but she doesn't take that as my answer because she kicks the ball away from us both and walks over to me, cupping my now flushed cheeks in her strong and veiny hands.

"Princess, cmon, talk to me" she pleads and I instantly fall into those honey eyes once again.

I didn't even think about what I was doing. It took us both by surprise. But none the less my lips jumped onto hers and she didn't pull away thankfully. Because I really really didn't want her to.

And I know it's wrong. I do. I've got vision and I would never do anything to hurt him but she makes me feel something that I've never felt before. It's like I want to be with her every minute of every day.

The kiss was amazing, truly. The only problem that occurred was vision. Of course he was bound to show up and he pushed her off of me with force, jumping to the conclusion almost instantly that she was the one who initiated it, despite that being far from the truth.

"What the hell y/n?" he yells, clutching his fists together as if he was about to kill her.

She clenched her jaw and made eye contact with me for a split second, taking into consideration my fear of telling him what really happened. I can't.

"Vision stop!" I plead and he turns to me, contemplating whether or not to fulfil his desire to harm her beyond words can describe.

"It was my fault I-" I decide to own up to all of it but despite my truest efforts to do so, y/n wouldn't let me.

"Don't Wanda, it's my fault, I shouldn't have kissed you, it's on me. I'm sorry vision it was wrong, it won't happen again" she lies but in a way that I can't quite describe, it sounds like the truth and I don't know why. It's like, if I wasn't here to know what happened, I would believe her.

I catch her attention once more and I mouth 'stop, please' but she ignores it, putting her attention back to him.

"...I promise" she finishes before walking away back to the tunnel, collecting our stranded football that we played together with on the way, not even turning back round to look at me one last time.

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