Steve?! - Natasha Romanoff (Drabble)

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Y/n suspects something is going on between her girlfriend Nat and Steve.


I can't help but eavesdrop into the commotion that was going on beyond my bedroom door. There's a lot of heavy breathing and grunts to say the least.

My eyes widen as the realisation hits. It was Natasha and Steve, surely it had to be. What was she doing with him?

I press my ear onto the wooden door and try my hardest to conceal any noises that may be made as a result of me listening in so that they don't know I'm out here.

"Steve!" Natasha yells as if she was egging him into doing something, I just really hope it's not what I think it is.

"Right there!" he groans back at her, breathing heavily as he does so.

Natasha would never cheat on me, right? I mean we've been together for almost 2 years now and in my opinion it's been the best 2 years of my life. That girl is quite literally the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me. She's my everything. That girl has turned my world for the better to say the least.

"To the right a little bit" she directs him and I hear him strain slightly while moving by the sounds of things.

What the fuck is going on?

"Hurry up, y/n will be back soon!" she shouts at him and I hear him huff to himself before doing whatever it was that she was doing with him.

So she doesn't want me catching them? It's a bit late for that.

I grip the door handle slowly and cautiously. My hear now beating in my mouth, I've never felt so tense in my life. What if my suspicion was correct? What the fuck would I do if I walked in on that.

The door clicks as I turn the handle and I push it open slowly, careful not to make too much noise upon entry.

I slide past the door and my eyes land on both of them. Their heads quickly turn round, taking notice to my presence and my heart stops.

I can't believe I thought she would do something like that. It was the complete opposite. He was helping her build something for me. Oh my god.

"Y/n!" she squeals as she runs over to me, embracing me in a tight hug that I reciprocate instantly. Steve smiles at our interaction and I glare at him playfully. I knew he was a good guy.

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