The Other Side - Tony Stark (Drabble)

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Tony wants y/n to join the avengers but she is employed by Hydra and she doesn't want to seem unfaithful, as-well as the fact that she secretly enjoys being part of the other side.

Tony POV:

Y/n was definitely one of the most skilled workers that I've ever come across. She was thorough, statistical, assured and least of all stubborn, but at the best times so I can't really complain about it.

I've been trying for weeks to persuade her to join the avengers as her skill set could be put to good use with us but her loyalties have seemed to continue with Hydra.

"Y/n, join our team" I plead, not wanting her to leave.

"No-" she almost rambles off, no doubt about to give me a list of reasons but I'm not here for that.

"We're the better side, and you know it" I push the idea.

"Okay, my friend, you want to cut me in. But I hate to tell you, it just won't happen. So thanks, but no. I think I'm actually good to go now that we've got this covered, again. Because quite frankly I enjoy this life you say I'm trapped in" she rejects my offer once again and I begin to become more frustrated.

"Hydra are the wrong side to be on this with y/n-" I rejog her memory of the last time she disappointed them.

"Honestly Stark I admire you, and that will show to you, you're onto something. Really it's something" she compliments my accomplishments so far.

"They're bad people" I groan, my face becoming more red by the minute surely.

"Never gonna happen" she states boldly, confidently and cockily all wrapped up in one.
"Don't you know that I'm okay? With this up-town part I get to play. Cause I got what I need and I don't wanna take the ride. I don't need to see your other side to everything" y/n dismisses me once again.

"Cmon-" by now we've made it a habit to interrupt each-other as I barely manage to get a word out before she's back in there.

"You can go and do like you do, I'm gonna do like me. I'm not in a cage so I don't need to take your key. Oh damn, cant you see I'm doing fine? I don't want to see your other side" she flashes a smile and she's off just as quick. Leaving me stunned in my lab.

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