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Talia's POV

"Good Morning." I say as Amy sits down on the lounger to my left.

"Morning T." Amy says as I sip on my coffee while looking at the open ocean.

My ex and I sit in silence for a while until I break the silence.

"Is Xena okay with all your Kinks?" I ask.

"She loves them." Amy says with a smile.

"Good." I say. "Now I don't have throw her in the ocean."

"Oh Talia." Amy says with a smile.

"Well this view is pretty." I hear Ash say then she sits down on the chair on the other side of Amy.

"Yes it is." Amy says.

"Are we the first one's up?" Ash questions as I sip my coffee while looking at the open ocean.

"Looks like it." I say. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah." Ash says as some breakfast is place on the tables next to us. "Ali and I fell asleep while looking at the stars."

"Ash can I ask you something?" I say.

"Of course?"

"What's it like being married to your best friend?"

"It's amazing." Ash says with a smile then she launches into a speech

I listen to Ash's speech about being married to Ali for awhile until I notice Ali standing behind her wife

".......And the sex is incredible." Ash says at the end of her speech.

"Alright." Ali says as she sits in Ash's legs. "That was very cute, but no talking about our sex life."

"Oops." Ash says then she kisses her wife.

"How far away are we?" Ali asks.

"Four hours." I say.

"Did they ever figure out what was wrong?" Amy asks.

"The radio was fried and there was a worn out hydraulic line." I say. "They fixed everything and were fine now."




A few seconds later my soulmate appears in front of me so I spread my legs on the lounger which allows Leah to lay in-between my legs and rest her back on me.

"May I?" I whisper and lightly tug on Leah's ponytail.

Leah nods so I take her hair out of the ponytail and let it fall freely then I start running my hands through her hair.

I really like when Leah wears her hair down.

"That's better." I mumble as Leah starts eating breakfast.

"Moonshine?" Christen says from the lounger on my right

"One of my nicknames I have for Talia." Leah says as I wrap my arms around her and rest my chin on her head.

"My Sunshine." I mumble.

"Aww." Ali says as I look at Christen.

"Morning." I say with a smile.

"Morning Freckles." Christen says with a smile as Tobin joins her on the lounger.

"How much longer Munchkin?" Tobin asks.

"Four hours." I say. "Sorry."

"Oh there's no reason to be sorry." Tobin says. "This is more than we could've ever imagined."

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