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Talia's POV

"Here you go Moonshine." Leah says then she hands me our line up for tonight's match with the Houston Dash.

1-Audrey Solo
2-Lynn Wilms
4-Sarah Gorden
6-Leah Williamson
15-Katie McCabe
13-Morgan Brian
10-Daniëlle van de Donk
19-Jackie Groenen
14-Talia Martin(C)
9-Vivianne Miedema
11-Lieke Martens

"WE'RE HERE." Someone shouts as we pull up to the stadium in Houston.

Once at BBVA Stadium, the bus parks then everyone gets off and heads to the locker room.

When we get to the locker room everyone puts their stuff down in their respective lockers then I take off my tracksuit jacket.

Once my jacket is off, I put on my Kristie Mewis' Orlando Pride jersey then I head outside for the pitch inspection.

When Kristie left the Dash, she had nothing but bad things to say about the club, the manager, and the Dash team captain.

After we've inspected the pitch, my teammates and I head back to the locker room.

When I get to my locker I take my AirPods out, take out my nose ring, take off my necklaces and my rings, then I put my jewelry and AirPods in my bag.

Once I'm jewelry free I put on my warm up top then I put on my game shorts.

I then sit down in my locker and put on my socks, my shin pads and my turquoise and pink boots.

After my boots are on I head to Leah's locker then sit down on the floor in-between her legs.

"Hey T." Leah says and starts running her fingers through my hair.

"Hi Leah." I say then face forward and let Leah do her thing.

Leah runs her fingers through my hair for a little bit then she puts my hair into a pony tail just like I like it.

"Thanks." I say then I hug one of Leah's legs.

"No problem." Leah says and kisses my head then I get up, walk out of the locker room, and head onto the field with the outfield players

When I get on the pitch I run through my warm ups with the starters for a while then we head back to the locker room.

Once in the locker room I change out of the training top and change into my green jersey while the coaches do their last minute talks.

When the last minute talks end, we are told to head to the tunnel so I head to the back of the line in the tunnel.

Minutes later we are told to head out onto the field for the prematch stuff so someone leads us out onto the field

Once on the field we stand in line for a few seconds then I shake hands with everyone except Rachel Daly.

I'm not shaking hands with a racist.

After we shake hands, we take a starting XI picture, I do the coin toss, then we do our huddle before we head onto the field.

"LET'S GO LADIES." Janine shouts from the bench. "WE GOT THIS."

- - - - -

"I'm gonna get a fucking red in a second." I say as I get helped off the ground.

"Let's not do that." My cousin says as she helps me up.

"Hey ref" I say then the ref looks at me. "If one of my girls gets hurt then everyone will know it's your fault."

Houston, like always, is playing dirty as hell.

The only saving grace about this game is we're winning 4-0 thanks to goals from me, Viv, Daan, and Jackie.

"You have cards so start fucking using them." I say then I jog away.

Once I'm in my position, I turn back around and see the ref showing me a yellow.

"Oh fuck off." I say.

"Talia chill." Someone on the bench says as the game resumes.

For the next 15 minutes, my teammates and I continue to get fouled, but the ref doesnt call shit.

"Fuck this." I mumble then I look at Lynn. "LYNN BALL."

Lynn Looks at me as I jog towards her then the right back passes me the pall.

Once I have the ball I turn and look up field for the ref.

Thankfully Katie is making a run behind the ref so I launch the ball directly at the ref.

At the last moment, the ref ducks out of the way then the ball lands right at Katie's feet.

Once the ref is standing again, she blows her whistle then she shows me a yellow card and a red card.

"FOR WHAT?" I shout as I run over to her

"You did that on purpose." The ref says.

"Bitch my teammate was behind you." I say then I point behind her. "I'm not gonna take an indirect route to get her the ball when there's a perfectly good direct route to get her the ball."

"I don't care." The ref says. "Get off the field."

"Well you're never refereeing in the league again." I say. "I don't even know how you got credentials to ref in the first place you soft ass bitch."

A second later, one of the other referee's pulls the main ref away then I get pulled away.

"Leave it." Moe says.

I shrug off Moe then I walk off the pitch.

When I get to the sideline, I get stoped by Amy.

"You want us to boycott?" Amy whispers.

"Hell no." I say. "I wanna win every game so let's just see this game out."

"Alright." Amy says then I hand her the captain's Armband and head towards the tunnel.

"Hi Balto." I say as I pass Audrey's service dog.

Balto yips then I continue on into the tunnel and head to the locker room.

Once in the locker room, I take my kit off, put it in the bin reserved for washing, then I go shower.

After my shower, I dry off, put my hair up in a hair scarf, put my jewelry in, put on my clothes, then I wait in my locker for the game to end.

A few minutes later, Balto comes into the locker room first then the rest of the team come into the locker room.

"Bullshit ass ref." Viv says.

"Bitch needs to get smacked." Sarah says.

"What else did she do?" I ask.

"Let's just say as few of us joined you in getting yellow cards." Leah says.

"Great." I say. "Was it just 4-0?"

"Yeah." Leah says.

"Cool." I say. "Now let's get the fuck outta here."

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