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S O P H I A 

ℑ 𝔱𝔬𝔩𝔡 𝔅𝔢𝔠𝔨 𝔞𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔱 the phone call with my parents and he didn't seem to be too surprised. It actually made sense to him. For dinner, we went ahead and ordered pizza since neither of us know how to cook, and it didn't seem like a going out kind of night. 

After we finished eating, I finally got the first text back from Sarah in what has felt like months. In reality it was only a couple days, but it was still weird.  I grabbed my phone and check immediately. 

"What'd she say?" I hear Beck say from peaking over my shoulder to see my screen. 

"Sophie I'm so sorry about going rouge check the news right now and I want you to know it isn't real i promise," I read verbatim what her text says and look back at my brother. He runs towards the living room to turn the local news on. 

"Sheriff Peterkin was pronounced dead on the scene. With enough witnesses, we are certain that John Booker Rutledge is to blame for the death of Kildare County's beloved police officer. At the time we are unable to find Mr. Rutledge, if anyone has any-" Beck starts turning down the TV and looks at me. 

"No way! He wouldn't do that. Peterkin was the only nice cop to him," I reply in complete shock. 

"This is why we told you girls to stay the hell away from them," Beck responds slightly angry. 

I stay quiet unable to say anything. I've only met John B a few times but in those few times I not once have ever taken him for a killer. He was the least intimidating person on the island. Maybe he just took the fall for JJ. After all, he did have the gun. 

I quickly text Sarah back and ask who was on the tarmac that Peterkin was allegedly shot. She responded quickly and said her, John B, her dad, and Rafe, and whoever was already on the plane. After that, she stopped replying to my texts. 

"Where is Sarah, is she okay?" Beck asks me with a worried look. Sarah was most definitely with John B right now, but I couldn't tell him that. In response I shrug. 

"She didn't say," 

Without panicking, my brother turns the volume back up and we both listen to the news lady. She starts describing who was there and the exact story that was given from Ward Cameron. She also said that they are working on finding John B. 

"I've gotta text Rafe and see how he is," Beck says walking away. 

"Could I try to go over to Scarlett's tonight?" I ask. Obviously I am not going to Scarlett's, but I need an excuse for me to leave the house so I can try to find Sarah. 

"With that killer on the loose? Not a fucking chance Soph. I'm sorry," He replies. I roll my eyes and start to head up to my room. I don't have any other reason as to why I would have to go somewhere at night. 

When I get to my room I take a moment to pout. I have had one of the most boring Summers in my life, I wouldn't mind getting in a little bit of trouble to spice things up. I look towards my window and then back at my door. Beck wouldn't even know. Just like Rafe came over last night, and he didn't even know. 

My phones goes off and I finally get a text back from Sarah. She said she was safe, she was just looking for John B because her dad locked her in her room. I reply back and tell her that I am going to try to sneak out. The worst that can happen is Beck gets pissed off. 

I take a deep breath before deciding the open my window. I crawl onto the small part of my room that sits just under it and slide down enough so it is safe for me to jump down. Once I am outside, and on the ground I grab my bike and start riding down the street. There was a group of people and police cars crowding one house, so I decided to go there. 

I drop my bike in the yard next to the house and I approach I realize it is Kelce's house. I look around to see if I recognize anyone. Coming from the other side of the street, I notice Sarah running over. I run over to meet up with her and she embraces me with a hug. 

"Is John B in there?" She asks. 

"I don't know. I just got here too," I reply. We both watch the police go inside the house and she closes her eyes. I start watching and notice a tall figure waving from the side of the house. "Sarah! It's John B!" I whisper scream at her. She looks back up and then at me. 

"I love you. Thank you!" She gives me a big hug and then runs over to him. I stay where I am to stop anyone from being suspicious by the girl who is running towards the house. I look around and see Topper walk Kelce walk out of the house with the cops.

"The boys are both arguing but there was so much chattering, I wasn't able to hear what was happening. I wanted to help John B clear his name for Sarah, but I also don't think this many people would believe it if it was not true. 

I try to stay hidden so none of the guys see me and tell Beck. I thought I was doing a good job until Kelce looked directly at me. I quickly turn my head away from him and try to look down, but I am not so confident that it worked. 

As I try to pretend I am another concerned neighbor, I feel someone walking closer towards me. 

"Sophie, what are you doing here?" I slowly lift my head up in defeat and see Kelce. 

"Hey Kelce. I was just uh- on my way to Scarlett's and saw everyone stopped," I lie. He looks at me trying to see if I am lying or not and nods. 

"You wanna come inside, it's dark and we don't know where John B went so it isn't that safe," He says while trying to get me to walk with him towards his house. 

"Oh no, it's ok I'm just going to go to Scar's," I insist. 

"At least let me drive you," He grabs my arm while he starts walking towards his house and I had to accept defeat one more time. I should've just stayed home. "I'm just gonna grab my keys," He explains opening his front door. I stay outside and start looking around for any sign of someone I can use as an excuse. 


While Kelce is inside, I run over to Topper who was talking to some random lady. I grab his arm and run behind a tree so Kelce doesn't find me. 

"Hey, hey, hey what's going on. What are you doing?" Topper says a little spooked. 

"Sorry, I just uh- Kelce is trying to drive me to Scarlett's house and I don't know how to get out of it, can you make an excuse for me?" I beg. 

"Why aren't you home? I know Beck didn't let you," He says ignoring my question. 

"That isn't the point. Can you please just help?" I beg him again and he looks at me while taking a deep breath. 

"Fine, yeah. Whatever, just follow me," 

"Thank you!" I sing giving him a hug. he taps my back and I let go. He starts walking towards Kelce's house and looks back to make sure I am following him. We walk inside together and Kelce was still looking around for his keys. 

I stand by the front door as Topper walks over to Kelce and says a few words to him. I wasn't exactly sure what they were saying to each other. It takes a few more minutes and I hear a knock at the door. I move away from against it so the person can open it. 

"What the fuck is wrong with both of you. How did you just let John B go like that?" I look up and see Rafe walk in. He was angry. And not in a normal upset way, it was different this time. Something was wrong. He looks over at me and his face drops. "What are you doing here?" 

I look over at Topper for help and he finally notices and rushes over to me. 

"I was just taking her home, she was with Scarlett earlier," He lies for me. 

"I'll take her home," Rafe says staring at me. 

"No Rafe, I got it don't worry," Topper insists. Rafe stops looking at me for a minute and looks at Topper. 

"I said. I will take her home," He says in a lower voice. Topper looks over at me as if he was asking if I was ok with it. I nod and Rafe looks back at me. "Let's go. You don't need to be here, or anywhere else right now that isn't home," 

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕶𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗: ℜ𝔞𝔣𝔢 ℭ𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔫Where stories live. Discover now