𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔰𝔦𝔵

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S O P H I A 

my eyes fluttered open and let out a yawn. I reached around me for one of two things. Rafe or my phone. Neither of which I felt. I took a second to stretch before seeing my phone on the night stand. I grab it and check the time. 9:47 am. 

I unlocked my phone and noticed that I had some texts from Sarah. I wasn't exactly sure of what happened after I fell asleep last night but I would assume Rafe changed me because I am wearing his shirt and not one of mine. 

It took me a moment to fully wake up before it hit me. Where is Rafe. 

I shot up from the bed and looked around. There was no trace that he slept in the bed with me. I took the shortcut to the other room through the bathroom and the bed was messy. Clearly slept in, but not currently being occupied. 


I try to scream to get his attention but no one called back. I texted Sarah back while I tried to brainstorm all the places he could be right now. 

I went back into the bathroom and brushed my hair, throwing it up in a high pony tail. I didn't bother changing my clothes or doing my makeup. I went straight downstairs. 

"Rafe!" I scream again as I walk through the hallways of the Cameron's island house.


I walk outside through the back door and notice him. He was sitting on a chair facing the yard, his back to me. He had something that was occupying his hands. 

"Morning," I say walking closer to him. I watch as he flinches for a second and turns around to look at me. He face stays flat and I noticed the darkness under his eyes. "I see you didn't sleep well," 

"I didn't seep at all," 

His voice was cold. He went back to what he was doing and I walk around to sit across from him. Cocaine. He had the white substance spilled out on the table in front of him and was using his card to create thin lines. 

"Why are you doing coke this early?" My voice was quieter then I meant for it to be and he shoots his head up to give me a look. 

"Like I just said, I didn't sleep," He replies. I tried to let the tone in his voice not effect me, but I could tell something was wrong. He brings his head to the table and quickly gets rid of the four lines. "What?" 

"I just uh- are you okay? Like did something happen with your dad or anything?" I ask him trying to see what was the cause of his new attitude. 

"Nothings wrong Sophie. I'm just not a fan of liars," 

He wipes the table clean and stands up about to head back inside. The texts from Sarah. I rush after him and stop him once he gets to the door. 

"Rafe I'm sorry. I didn't want to tell you because I know you don't trust them. But she promised me you'll be safe. She told me-" 

"You think I give a fuck what my sister told you? Wake the fuck up! Sarah isn't the same Sarah anymore! She doesn't care about anyone except John B! You think her promise to you is going to do anything? You're no naive," He yells back. I flinch at the noise and he takes a few deep breaths. "Look, I'm sorry. I deserve whatever happens ok. I know I fucked up, I'm more mad at how you only see the good in people that you don't realize when you are being taken advantage of," 

"I trust her," 

"I know you do," 

Rafe slid the door open and walked inside without another word. I felt sick. I knew he was mad at me and it clearly is deeper than him being worried that I am being taken advantage of. I don't think Sarah would lie to me, but he was right about her changing. She isn't the same girl I became friends with. 

I followed him inside and he was seated on the couch with his hands on his temples. I sit next to him and put my arms around him. 

"I'm sorry. I'll fix this I promise. Let's fly home today, I can fix everything. I'll talk to Sarah and John B. We'll work something out. I-" Rafe cuts me off by moving my arms off him. 

"Sophie. Please shut up," He says. "Please, everything fine. I already talked to my dad, he said there's no way anything can lead back to me. We'll all be fine. What'd Sarah tell you anyways?" 

"She uh-" I stop not knowing how he would react if I tell him it was to put Ward away. "She said everything would fall on Ward," I mumble. He takes a deep breath and then pulls me into his side. 

"Maybe we'll just keep that between us," He says. He leaves a kiss on my cheek and looks at me. "I'm sorry for yelling," 

"It's okay," 

"It's not. But I love you," He finally lets a smile grow and I peck his lips. 

"Why don't you try to get some sleep," I suggest. 

"The coke's got me. I'm good for the day," He replies. I laugh a little at his comment and we both stand up. "Why don't we go down to the beach while I try to talk to my dad about some stuff," 

The two of us run upstairs and go to our bags. I grab a pink string bikini and watch as Rafe grabs a pair of white and blue swim shorts. I turn my back towards him as I take my shirt off to replace it with the bikini top. 

"No need to act shy, nothing I haven't seen," Rafe laughs. 

"Shut up!" I say slightly embarrassed. I tie the back together and then go to slide down my shorts along with my thong. As I am about to pull my bottoms up, I feel a string on my ass for a second and turn my head around at Rafe. 

"Don't give me that look," He replies holding in his laugh. I pulls my bottoms up which cover some of my ass but not fully. The red mark from his hand was still slightly visible. "You let it out," She shrugs. 

His abs were toned and his shorts fell just below his v-line. 

"Keep staring, I dare you," 

"I'm not staring!" 


Something about the way Rafe said yeah made me feel a type of way. He said it more than the average person and his little head nod when he says it. He could make any girl fall to their knees in an instant. 

"Beach, now," I reply trying to contain myself. 

I watch as he smiles to himself before walking out of the room with me and then outside. 

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕶𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗: ℜ𝔞𝔣𝔢 ℭ𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔫Where stories live. Discover now