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R A F E 

"Rafe!" I hear the scream as if she was screaming bloody murder. Which could actually totally be possible right now. And no that was not sarcasm in the slightest. I rush out of my dads office and into the living room where Sophie sat alone staring at the TV screen in front of her. 

"Sophie I swear-"

She stands up, hands crossed and tries to stare me down. The  height difference between us made me laugh a little at her attempt of being intimidating. She notices my laugh and stands up on the couch so she is towering over me. 

"Care to explain?" She says looking down at me. 

"It wasn't me. I swear," 

"What happened last night then Rafe?" She asks not believing a word I said. I sigh and grab her hand making her stop standing on the couch. I rest my hands on her shoulders and look down. 

"It was-"

"JJ and Pope," My dad comes out of nowhere and finishes my sentence. "Those filthy pouges got mad and shot him in cold blood," 

My hands drop and I stare at my dad. Sophie looks at me confused and then she shifts towards Ward. I don't know why he was lying. Everyone, especially Sophie would know that is a lie. Ward slowly leave the room again while grabbing keys. He swiftly leaves the house without another word.

"Sorry for blaming you," My girlfriend mumbles just loud enough for me to hear. 

"You do know that was a lie right?"

"Yeah. It was Ward. But that doesn't excuse the fact that you did something last night. Ready to go?" She asks. 

I sigh and walk towards the front door with Soph. She never lets anything go. Which is a good and bad thing. I just wish we would have met before any of this shit happened. I wish our life was different but still together. Maybe if I had met her before anything went down I wouldn't have done what I did. Maybe she was what I felt I was missing for the past two decades of my existence.

We drag ourselves back to the car and the drive to the club was only a few minutes. I get out of the car first and rush to the other side to open the door for Soph. Once she was out of the car, we walk in together and get a table. The whole time neither of us said a word to each other. I wish I knew exactly what was going through her mind. 

I didn't know if she was mad, happy, or neutral about anything. And right now, I just wanted to know how she will respond to me. 

"So," I start. 

"So," She replies. 

"Last night I uh- I hung out with Sarah for a bit," She kept the a straight face and leaned in to listen. "We just talked about everything and like, tried to come up with how to handle everything. Unfortunately, it didn't go very well and we got in a fight. Nothing major, but it's resolved. John B isn't going to keep anything quiet though," 

"What does that mean?"

"That means in court, he's going to talk. Sarah said she will stay neutral as long as nothing serious happens to John B. We said we'll put the blame on Ward," 

"And Ward is gonna let that happen?"

I took a long sigh and look back at Sophie. 

"After the shooting last night, he won't have a choice. He can go to jail for both killings, or all three of us will be in jail. Those are the only two options at the moment," 

Her stare turned more into a glare for a few moments. She was looking me right in the eyes until she finally leaned back in her chair. 

"Ok," Ok? What the fuck does ok mean? "You better hope your plan works Cameron. Because I know your dad, and he won't go down without a fight," Sophie grabs the glass of water in front of her and takes a sip. 

I know. 

I understood where she was coming from. I never thought the thing I feared most in my life would be my own father. He always had a hidden plan behind everything. I don't buy any of his bullshit ideas or words anymore. 

I put my head down not knowing how to respond. Thankfully she believed my lie about what happened with Sarah last night. Since in reality it wasn't a lie. That is what happened, but I left out the small part about me losing control. 

"I'm sorry," I quietly speak up. 

"For what?" 

"For dragging you into this. The whole thing is so fucked up and I shouldn't have pulled you into any of it," 

"Rafe, It's fine. I dragged myself into it in a way. And look-" She points at herself. "I am unharmed and as ok as a girl who's boyfriend killed someone and as a psychotic dad can be,"

"Say it a little louder," I roll my eyes. 

"Sorry," She laughs a little and looks around making sure no one heard her comment. 

The rest of breakfast was calming. In Sophie's words, as calming as me killing someone and having a psychotic dad could be. I felt the most relaxed I've felt in a month. We had some casual conversations but nothing too much. It was silent a lot of the time but not in a bad way. 

However I know the second Sophie talks to Sarah or any of the pouges, this calm feeling will vanish in a matter of seconds. She's going to find out sooner or later what I did and I'm hoping I can just wait it out as long as I can. Because if I tell her now, this is over. I won't have her anymore. If she finds out later, at least I will have some extra time with her pretending like everything is fine. 

"So, They have court right now, did you want to go?" Soph asks me as we get into my car. 

"Not really. I don't think it's a good idea you know. Seeing Sarah and my dad," I trail off. 

"But you're on good terms with her right? I doubt she'd care if you went. It'll show her you are being somewhat supportive and your dad will think you went for him," 

"It's ok. I think I'd like to just go home and rest if that's okay. We can watch a movie or something," I suggest trying to change the subject. 

If I walk into that courtroom after last night, Sarah will no doubt speak up and put the whole thing on me. I can't take that risk. John B will get a few months max and then once everyone finds out about Gavin, my dad will be charged for everything. 

I just had to wait. 

"Are you sure? You aren't just a little curious about what will be said or anything?" She asks. 

"Drop it Soph. I'm not going. My dad doesn't need me there and trust me Sarah doesn't want me there," 

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