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R A F E 

ℑ 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔡𝔯𝔬𝔭 my smile as I look at the gorgeous girl in front of me. I know I shouldn't tell her and I should just deny it until John B takes the fall, but I couldn't. I knew that I would have to be honest sooner or later, and the alcohol made it come out easier. 

"I uh- I killed Peterkin," 

Sophie's face drops and she looks at me. I try to read her expression, and I sensed more confusion than fear. Why was she not scared?

"Did you hear me? I killed Peterkin. I shot her on the tarmac. I- I-"

"I heard you," Sophie says quietly. I automatically regretted telling her. "W-why's you do it?" 

I sigh and look at her. She pulled her knees up to her chest and faced me. I don't know why I decided to tell her. I know she was out earlier trying to help Sarah and John B. Now that she got a confession from me, she will definitely help them. 

"Well you know how my dad is. And what has been happening," I try to start explaining it her. "She was trying to arrest him. I wanted to save him. I wanted him to feel like I helped him and I- god I fucked up. Please don't hate me or be scared of me I just- I just wanted to help my dad," 

As soon as I finish talking, Sophie puts her hand on top of mine. 

"It's okay. I- I don't hate you," She says softly. I release a sigh of relief and she picks my hand. "Your secret is safe with me," 

Neither of us say another word for a few minutes. I feel myself smiling at her for being so understanding. Maybe she was just too scared to get mad, but the way she was reacting didn't seem that way. 

Sophie was using both her small hands to hold my hand and she slowly brought it up to her mouth. She placed a kiss on my hand before dropping it. 

"Don't worry, you're going to be ok," She says reassuring me. I love this girl. I was too shocked at how easily she handled it to say anything. Instead I pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head. 

"We can be like Bonnie and Clyde," I reply trying to lighten the mood. 

"Yeah, except no more killing anyone," She says laughing a little. No more killing anyone. 

I take a deep breath with her still in my arms. She made me feel so safe and calm. Knowing that she was on my side with this made me feel happy. I felt ok for the first time in a really long time. I squeezed her tighter before letting go completely. 

"I'll be right back," 

Sophie stands up and slowly walks out of her room. This could be the moment I am completely screwed. I should be panicking that she is on her way running away to tell the cops or that she is running away to get away from me, but something tells me I should trust her. 

The second I pulled the trigger, I felt a sort of release. All my stress had gone away for that moment and it felt so natural. I never thought I would be completely capable of actually committing a murder, but it felt like an addiction in a way. 

Like the first time dong a drug.

I wait in Sophie's room alone for a few more minutes until she comes back. I was relieved to see her actually come back. She had brought a cup of coffee and a bagel. 

"Here, it'll help you get sober," 

S O P H I A 

Based on what I have heard from Sarah, it didn't shock me that Rafe was the one who killed Peterkin. I was more shocked that Ward would protect so much where he put the blame on an innocent kid. 

Rafe took the bagel and coffee from me started slowly eating and drinking. I could tell he felt regretful but I couldn't tell if it was because he regretted telling me, or if regretting the murder. I felt like I should be scared, but it was Rafe. 

He has done nothing to me besides try his best to protect me, even his aggression was a lot softer towards me compared to others. I felt safer with him than I have with anyone else. 

"Thanks," He says as he finishes the food and drink. 

"You're welcome," I smile at him. He pulls me in for a quick kiss and then wraps his arms around me, keeping me close. 

I know it was wrong. This was beyond wrong for many reasons, but I couldn't help but go with it. He was only a few years older than me, but it was illegal. I'm not quite 17 yet, and  Rafe is turning 20 in a couple months. But in this moment in time, that wasn't the felony either of us should be worried about. 

"Hey Rafe," I say starting to pull away from him a little. He hums at a response and I take a deep breath. "Earlier. When you were saying John B killed there sheriff, you said he probably wants to kill more people. Was that referring to you?" I tried to remain calm as I replayed the conversation in my head. 

"I uh-" He stops for a moment and shakes his head. "No. I just wanted you to be safe and didn't know how else to keep you here," 

I could tell he was hiding something behind those words, but I wasn't sure what it was. I never would've assumed Rafe to be a killer. I knew he was definitely a little impulsive, and violent at time, but a murderer? It just didn't make sense. 

"Hey Soph," I hear him say. I hum in a response like he did and he takes a deep breath, almost mocking my actions. "You're not scared. And from what I know, you aren't going to turn my in, why?" 

"I really don't know," 

I take a moment to try to think about why I want to save him. There wasn't a real reason at all. It might have been because I was in shock, or because I wouldn't want to lose him to a jail cell. Whatever the reason was, I feel like he is a good person. 

He just made a mistake. 

A really bad, really dangerous, really fucked up, mistake. 

"I think I'm going to try to sleep," I tell him. 

"Ok, I can uh- I can stay in a guest room or something if you-" I cut Rafe off. 

"No, stay," I assure him. Ironically, I felt safe with Rafe. I know he would never hurt me and knowing that he is with me means he won't hurt anyone else. Not to mention I loved waking up the other morning with his arms wrapped around me. 

"Whatever you'd like princess," He whispers as I start to lay down. 

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕶𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗: ℜ𝔞𝔣𝔢 ℭ𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔫Where stories live. Discover now