Part. 25

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"You're sure you aren't coming?" Felix ask jisung. Jisung nod and just go to the nearest table that's far from others. "How come they suddenly renovate the rooftop?" Jisung mumble as he sit down.

"You need to say it correctly. It's supposed to be 'how come they suddenly renovate the 3rd and 4th floor?'" Jisung glare at the person and stand up, facing them.

"Seriously yoo youngchan? Why are you always bothering me?" Jisung raise his voice a bit but quickly bite his lower lip and glare at youngchan again.

"I'm not, you're the one who keep on showing yourself in front of me." youngchan say bluntly. Jisung roll his eyes at youngchan and sit back down.

"Go away then, don't have to come to me right?" Jisung mumble, maybe cursing slowly, not wanting youngchan to hear him but unfortunately, that boy have the ear of a rabbit.

"What did you say?" Youngchan shove his head into jisung face which caught him by surprise and make him yelp. "WHAT THE HELL YOUNGCHAN?!" Jisung push his face away harshly which cause the boy to fall on his butt.

Felix, seungmin, hyunjin and jeongin who saw it clearly quickly run to jisung and stop him from attacking the other one.

"Jisung calm down, okay?" Felix say, trying to calm the angry quokka down. Youngchan stand up and shake the dirt off his butt. 

Youngchan curse and walk away from there.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Seungmin ask. Jisung push jeongin's hand off him and sit back down. "I don't know and don't even want to know." He plop on the table.

"Just eat." Hyunjin hold jisung's food to him. Jisung hum and eat. He mood lighten the moment Felix give him a chocolate.

They walk to jisung's and jeongin's room first, well have to drop the baby off first, but then jisung bump into someone that make him fall.

"Oh, ohmygod, sorrysorrysor- jisung? Oh my gooosshhh, I'm so sorry jisung." The person help jisung stand up and jisung gladly take their hand. "It's okay youngji." Jisung smile to her.

"Oh my god I really am sorryyy!! I don't know what with me these days, I kept on bumping into people." Youngji apologies again, feeling bad.

"I'm really okay youngji!! Don't worry okay." Jisung assure her. She then run from them that left the other four dumbfounded.

"What with her?" Jeongin laugh. Jisung just shrug, "It's better than she having the same attitude as her twin, he's the worst you know?" He say.

They continue to walk into the classroom and seungmin quickly turn jisung around. Jisung being clueless about what's happening try to stop seungmin but seungmin is fast enough to signal felix, hyunjin and jeongin on what's happening which make them push jisung outside too. 

When they reach outside, jisung separate himself from the others "What the hell guys?!" Jisung shout. They all ask jisung to shut up and jeongin go to take their bag and take jisung with him to the gate.

"What's wrong jeongin?" Jisung kinda scared when jeongin looks like he's hiding something. Jeongin smile, trying to reassure jisung because jisung clearly look a bit scared but jisung knows that's a fake smile but he force himself to look calmer.

A few minutes later, hyunjin, felix and seungmin come with their bag too. "Chan hyung and bambam hyung are going to be here in a few minutes." Hyunjin report.

"Chan hyung and bambam hyung? Why are they coming here?" Jisung ask. "We'll tell you later okay?" Felix hold jisung's hand.

Five minutes later, a black and white car park in front of them. Chan come out from the passenger seat and go to them.

"Are you guys okay? Did they do anything?" Chan ask them. Seungmin shake his head, "They didn't notice us, I think." Hyunjin say.

"It's okay. As long as you're okay for now, it's fine. Let's go. Minho is burning at home." Chan rush them to enter. All of them quickly ride in, including the clueless jisung.

Jisung sit in between jeongin and felix, and never once felix let go of jisung's hand until they arrive home.

Bambam quickly drag jisung to the basement, a part of the mansion that jisung has never set a foot in. He put jisung into one of the room, it's roomy, bright, have a lot of games for kids and plushies.

"Stay here. Miryul, play with jisung oppa for a moment, okay?" Bambam tell jisung and miryul who's in the same room.

"Miryul?" Jisung turn around. He put his back aside and walk towards the nearest sofa. "O-oppa....?" Jisung stop on his move for a second. 

He turn around and there behind the sofa he's sitting on is miryul. Miryul only have her head out, holding tight on her pink unicorn plushie while looking at jisung.

 Silence fall onto them for a moment before miryul's eyes change. She started to get scared and about to cry. Jisung notice it and quickly stand up and raise both of his hand up in the air.

"Nononono, don't cry. Oppa is not a bad guy. See, oppa is not holding anything." Jisung show both of his hand and twirl a few time. Miryul's change again and it soften. She take a step outside behind the sofa and stay there. Still not going closer to jisung.

Jisung kneel down slowly to get on the same level as miryul and not to make miryul get scared. "Oppa name is Han jisung, you're miryul right?" Jisung ask in a soft voice.

Miryul nod slowly. Jisung bite his lower lip. "Why are you here miryul?" He ask again.

Miryul look hesitate but she walk slowly to jisung and hold his right sleeve. "Dad have work. Stay with Minho oppa." Miryul pull jisung's sleeve softly.

Jisung smile a bit and open his arm. Miryul climb into his arms. "Jisung pinch miryul's nose slowly, "You should not get close to a stranger this fast you know? It's dangerous. I'm sure minho oppa would not like you to do that too." Jisung say softly.

Miryul nod. "But bammie oppa told me to be with you, so you must not be a bad person." Miryul reply. Jisung laugh at miryul's word.

He lie down on the floor while laughing and miryul follow him laugh. Both of them is a laughing mess and after that, they just continue playing together.




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