Part. 3

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I wake up to a very nice bacon smell coming from downstairs. I smile knowing that I don't have to wake the freckles aussie today. I get off my bed and walk to my bathroom. I hum happily because I am excited to finally going back to school after a whole year in Malaysia again.

I took a shower and tidy up my bed before going downstairs to Felix.

"You're up jisung?" I heard a shout. I smile before answering. "Yes lixeu!!" I run to the kitchen and sit at the pantry.

"Oohh~ you're in a good mood I see~" I tease him. This sight of Felix cooking breakfast, even waking up earlier than me is very rear so if it suddenly happens means he is very happy.

"Well,,, of course I'm excited!! It has been such a long time since we walk to the school with you" he pinch my cheeks which I whine back. I chuckle and continue to smile looking at the cute humanlike chick in front of me.

"Aaww did you missed me that much??" I put my face on my palms. He nod and continue to his cooking. I play with my phone until I heard the bell. "I'll get it." I say before getting up to get the door.

I smile upon seeing hyunjin standing at the door, waving and smiling widely at me. "Hyunjin!!!" I shout and hug him tightly.

"Hey now,,, it's not like we didn't meet yesterday right?" He tease me. "I knooww but I misses this so much!! We all get together here before going to the school." I say pouting.

He laugh at me and I just keep pouting while hanging onto him. "It's only a year." He ruffle my hair "but still,,,"

We go inside to the dining room and greeted with a table filled with toast, scramble eggs, and bacons. Me eyes lit up when I saw what Felix were holding "CHOCO CHEESECAKE!!!"

"Where did you get this??" I ask while my eyes are tearing the cheesecake apart. Felix smirk and put the cheesecake in front of me. "Someone came and left if here for you this morning."

I tilt my head in confusion but shrug it off. 'probably Chan hyung' I thought before digging in the food in front of me.

"How is malaysia?" Jeongin ask me at the locker. I laugh at his excitement. "Well it looks the same since the last time I went there." I say smiling while taking out my books for the subjects before recess.

"You live there for how many years again hyung?" Jeongin look at me. I laugh and show him my two fingers (ik it's not accurate) while laughing. "Why are you laughing?" jeongin stomp his feet but still smiling.

"Because you're too cute and I miss you." I said hugging his side. He laugh and turn to hug me properly. We stay like that for a few second and leave to our class.

"Luckily you're in advance class, so we'll be together" I say sitting down next to jeongin. "Yea,,, I study hard only to take this class with you." "Aawwww" I cup his cheeks.

We just chat around while waiting for the teacher to come in. I talk to jeongin about how I ended up had to live in Malaysia for two years straight and the last whole year.

"Why didn't you just live with your uncle and aunt instead of transferring to Malaysia??" I smile at his question. "None of them live here in Seoul. I'll have transfer too even if I need to live with them so it's better I follow my parents than stay with them."

Jeongin make an 'o' shape mouth making me laugh again. Even looking at him can make me smile widely. He just gives off this bright and happy vibe that can make anyone smile together with him.

The front door of our class suddenly swipe open revealing a teacher. All of the students quickly run to their own places and quiet down.

"It's sad to tell you that your homeroom teacher was in an accident yesterday and he might not be coming back to school till next year. So we've found a temporary teacher to replace your teacher. He'll be your homeroom teacher till you guys graduate next year."

I nod. Well at least I'll not feel so left out since we all will be knowing our homeroom teacher at the same time.

The teacher call for the temporary teacher to come and my eyes widen at the sudden present of the person.


"WHY HAVE NONE OF YOU TELL ME THAT MINHO HYUNG IS A TEACHER HERE!!!" I shout but quickly cover my mouth when I realise that we're at the school rooftop and anyone might here us from down there.

"As I told you, he's not even a teacher before. He just become a teacher today!!!" Hyunjin tell me again. I lie down and start rolling from side to side. "Why are you so worried about it anyways?" Felix ask me with his mouth full of gimbap.

"I'm just shy..." I pout siting crossed-leg facing them. They all smile to me and I can see hyunjin's slightly worry eye but I just shrug it off. He'll tell me if he want. I continue to roll until they ask me to start eating because I only have ten minutes left.

"I don't know that you're here too." I turn to the voice and meet with Minho hyung. "Oh- yea of course. I just got transferred back here last week." I said, playing with my fingers.

I stop playing and widen my eyes when he suddenly hold my hands. I look up to him and he quickly put his other hand on my head. "I'm sure you're curious about me suddenly being a teacher here. I'll tell you tonight okay?" He wink at me before walking away.

I nod slowly even though he's not there anymore and panic when I realise what he said. "TONIGHT??? IS HE COMING AGAIN TONIGHT??" I shout since there's no one in the hallway,,, or that's what I thought.

"What are you shouting about jisung? Who's coming?" I turn to the voice. "Ah seungmin. No-nothing..." I trail off while rubbing my nape. "You can't fool me you know that right?"

I nod and start walking with him following "You said I can't fool anyone." He nod and I give him my disappointed face.

"That's not scary you know that. Now is it that Minho hyung or should I call him Mr. Minho at school you're shouting about??"

I stop on my track and look at him. "How did you know about it?" I shake his shoulder. "I was at the rooftop too remember?? Plus I knew him longer than Felix and you."

I nod but then look at him again "wait- longer than Felix?? Means the same time as hyunjin??" I ask curiously and confuse.

"Why only me don't know about him??" Seungmin wrap his hand around my shoulder and drag me to walk again. "Come on,, there's a reason why we didn't introduce you two together, okay?" He show an okay sign and I just nod weakly.

'Wait why am I even sad about it?? It's not a big deal. JISUNG WAKE UP!!'


No one told me I didn't post last week ksjdjshdjshd,, I was so busy with job hunting that I forgot to update ksjdjshdjshd,,, sorry for the late chapter,,, no worries,, I'll post again this Friday.

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