Part. 5

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"Baby are you really fine with telling them the truth??" Minbyul ask jisung when they're in the car. "It's fine,,, after all, hyunjin already know." Jisung said simply as minbyul start the engine.

"Oh,,, so where we're going princess?" Minbyul ask. "How about the park?? It's been a long time since I go there at night." Jisung say excitedly. Minbyul just smile and answer a simple 'okay princess' before started driving to the park.

While at the house....

"How come none of you tell me that jisung is taken??" Minho ask sounded slightly annoyed but still trying to remain calm. "I don't know seriously!!" Felix shout while making his hands a 'x' in front of his face.

"But you knew about their date?" Minho raise an eyebrow at Felix. "Jisung call any hangout as date if it's involving only two person. So I thought it's just a simple hangout. He called ours a date too." Felix defend himself.

Minho nod and look at hyunjin. Reading from his face, he knows hyunjin already knew about it. "And why didn't you tell me hyunjin??" Hyunjin gulp and look up to face him.

"I promise you I'll tell you if jisung really is happy with his boyfriend now." Hyunjin said looking down. Minho raise an eyebrow at the statement.

'that doesn't sound right...' Minho thought. "What do you mean by that??" Minho ask. Hyunjin inhale deeply before answering. "You know... They've been together for three years. Well almost three years. Minbyul said he's been liking jisung since he's in elementary school but what strange me is jisung aren't here when he's in elementary..." Hyunjin trail off.

"Yea you said he spend his two years in elementary school at Malaysia and when he's back he straight away enter junior high school right??" Minho ask, trying to confirm the information that he remembered.

Hyunjin nod. "He said he has been searching for jisung ever since he got back from his vacation that time... I mean doesn't that sounded off??" Hyunjin groan.

"But he look happy. What do you mean he isn't happy with minbyul??" Minho ask. He still don't get the point on why hyunjin said that jisung aren't happy. "Jisung said minbyul has never ask him out ever since they started dating. He's the one who always started the chat and always got left on read by minbyul." Hyunjin sigh after he explain.

Minho raise an eyebrow. "Well that really sounded off. How did he even see jisung if he's there at that time just for a vacation?" Hyunjin raise his shoulder.

"Jisung also told me that minbyul kept asking him this weird questions and that sounded really really off." Hyunjin said again.

"What kind of questions?" Minho lean forward in curiosity. "He said minbyul asked what mission has he gone to and who's the boss of Jisung's group and what his position in the field. Doesn't that sounded off to you hyung?" Hyunjin ask but then his throat feel dry so he lean down to drink not looking at minho's reaction.

Minho expression grew blank. And at that time Felix knew Minho are not in a good mood. "Now hyung why don't you join the boys with their mission tonight?? I know it's a small mission but maybe it can heal you. We'll come along." Felix say trying to calm the older down.

Hyunjin look up and only then he noticed the older expressionless face. He immediately agree with Felix and started calling seungmin. "Seungmin,,, arranged group 4 mission tonight. Minho, Felix and I are going to be on field."

After awhile on phone, hyunjin hung up and started telling them to get ready. They all ride minho's car with hyunjin driving to go to the headquarters.

After about 30 minutes of driving. They all stop at a bungalow house that is located deep inside a forest, far away from the city and other houses.

Before they enter the house, they take out their own mask from their pocket and a coloured contact lense each of them. They only wear it on one eyes for their cover.

Inside the house, it look just like a normal house but there's a stair lead to underground basement where's the spacious living with bunch of room with different name on it can be seen.

Minho and the other two enter the room that written 'four knight' on the door. When Felix open the door, revealing ten boys that is covering their whole body with bullet proof jacket and pants also their face with identical mask.

"Has sir eyemin inform you guys about us joining??" Hyunjin ask, sitting at the meeting table inside the room with Minho and Felix while the ten boys just stand there like a servant. "Yes sir. Sir jacob pass the information to us and he said both of them will join together with sir iyen and sir chris to protect boss Lee know."

Both hyunjin and Felix nod while Minho still sitting there with the same face. He observe the boys clothes and weapon one by one when one boy caught his eyes.

"You. Come here." Minho point him out and he walk to minho confidently. It's what Minho taught every one of them, directly or not, that they need to have confident even if their sir or boss call them out.

"What's your position?" Minho ask strictly. "I have no fixed position yet boss. Tonight mission is the last mission for me to know which position suited me the most boss." The said.

Minho nod. "Have try to navigate?" Minho ask. The boy shake his head "Sir said I look like I'm the best at the battle field rather than navigating." Minho squint his eyes. "Which sir handling you guys?"

"Sir Kim, boss." Minho squint his eyes again. Hyunjin know what's up so he told the boy to go back to his seat. Just when Minho was about to say something, seungmin, jeongin and Chan arrive so they have to move to the place now.

"You. I know you're supposed to be a sniper tonight but go with seungmin. You'll navigate tonight." Minho told the same boy he called out before he walk out of the room.

Minho inform seungmin to let the boy do everything and only if he struggles, right then seungmin help.

They all go to the place with the ten boys in a different car and the other seven in their own car.

After about two hour doing their own mission, they go back to the house.

Minho call everyone which include, changbin, hyunjin, Chan,bambam, seungmin, jooyoung jeongin and Felix  to their own meeting room.

"This sir Kim... I've heard about him way too much lately and he's not doing a good job. How did he became a sir anyways?" Minho ask when they're all there.

"He's the one that your father introduce to us." Seungmin said checking that kim guy profile. "What's his real name?" "Kim minbyul." Minho eyes squinted. He look at hyunjin and Felix and both of them shaking their head.

"Minbyul?? Isn't he's Jisung hyung's boyfriend??" Jeongin ask making all of them to turn to him. "Wait- jisung has a boyfriend??" "Since when?" "I'm the mom of this group yet I'm the last one to know?" "I'm the dad and I know this the same time as you." And the other four continue to argue on how they can't believe jisung never told them about his boyfriend until Minho slam the table.

"This minbyul guy are slowly getting on my nerves. Seungmin, I want you to investigate this minbyul guy background." seungmin nod and start going through the information that he brought along. "Chan hyung I want you to find any of our boys that is trustworthy and skilled in spying to spy on this minbyul boy." Chan nod.

Minho told the others to just be careful around minbyul and not to spill anything until he give them the permission to do so.

"I really need to talk to dad about this."


It's already Monday but I hasn't update yet,, gosh I'm such a bad author😭I'm so sorry, I was busy last Friday with family things and work till I forgot to update. So here's last week update, and don't worry, I promise I'll post another this week!!!

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