Part. 34

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I thought I'll find anyone here but turns out, no one is here.

"What about don't leave each other alone?" I whine loudly and jump when I hear a giggle behind me. "Oh hi youngji" I smile. "Didn't notice you there." Youngji hi back and come closer to me.

"What are you doing here all alone jisung? And what about leaving each other alone?" Youngji ask as she sit on the bench and tap the seat beside her, signing me to sit there.

"Well" I say as I sit down, "Jeongin and felix messaged me, saying that they are here, well, were, here." I said, making a disapointed face.

Seriously. I wouldn't come here if I knew they were not actually here. 

"Well, if you don't want to be alone, I can accompany you until anyone come pick you up." Youngji say smiling to me.

She has such a beautiful smile, almost looks like miryul.

"Your smile kinda reminds me of someone." I said. "By the way, sure. I don't mind for some company. But why aren't you going home yet?" I ask her.

"Well, I need to wait for youngchan then we can go home." I nod.

After that, we just talk about unnecessary  things and random things. 

Turns out, youngji, youngchan and I have a lot in common. All three of us used to do taekwondo, like horror movies but get scared easily and can't eat spicy food.

As youngji and I were laughing about her story where youngchan once peed in his pants after entering a haunted house, suddenly youngchan appeared on our left.

"Speaking of the devil." youngji said as both of us trying to hold our laugh.

I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. 

"Are you two going back now?" I ask them. Youngchan ignore me as usual and youngji say yes.

I was about to greet them goodbye but youngchan sit besides me. Youngji look at me as I look at her, then we both look at youngchan.

"Chanie, aren't we going back?" Youngji ask. 

"You said you want to accompany him first. So here we are." Youngchan said monotonously.

I just nod my head while youngji smile widely. I'm kinda confused but happy as I'm not alone.

Youngji and I continue talking and youngchan interfere here and there, either when his name is mentioned, which is almost all the time, or just to be included I guess.

The more I talk to both of them, the more I noticed that youngchan isn't actually that bad.

"Can you guys wait for me? I need to go to the toilet."  youngchan and I nod and youngji run away.

It was an awkward silence for a while but then I decided to kill the silent.

"Soooo, youngchan." He hum, "Why are you so cold?" I turn to him. There was no answer for a few second.

"Cold?" He ask. "Yea, cold. You act so arrogant, not friendly to others and are always not bothered by anything even if you are at fault." I said, still looking at him. 

As I don't receive any respond, I look down.

"Why do you care anyway?" He ask. I look up to him but he's still not looking at me. I pout. "Don't you have manner? You should look at the person you're talking to." I said.

Youngchan sigh then look at me. "Tell me, why do you care?" He ask a bit loud. It kinda sounded like he snapped but I shrug it off.

"Well, yea and also because from what youngji told me, you doesn't feel like you." I said, kinda confused by my own sentence. 

He make a face, and as I was about to continue my sentence, my phone rings. I look at the caller name and rolls my eyes.

"What?" I ask annoyed.

"I'm sorry jisuunggg. Are you still at school?"

"Yes felix, I'm still at school. What do you expect? For me to walk alone from school to home? Do you want jiru to kill me?" I ask angrily.

What kind of question is that?

"I'll come and get you now. Are you alone?" 

"No. I'm with youngchan and youngji." 

"Okay. Wait for me in front of the school."

I didn't get to say anything felix already end the call. I stomp my feet and sit back down. I see youngji walking back here and immediately stand back up.

"I have to wait for felix outside." Youngji nod and wave at me but youngchan just walk away. 

They walk with me to the front but then youngchan sit at the bench. "Chanie? Aren't we going back?" He just stay silent when youngji ask.

Both youngji and I look at each other and just shrug it off. Youngchan is really a mystery to me.

I sit down next to him and youngji next to me just like when we were in court just now. 

We sit in silence for a few minutes until youngchan take out snickers out of his bag.

He hand me two and youngji one. "Thank you." I thank him as I open it and eat. I swing my legs because, well, my feet can't reach the floor.

As I open the second package, I notice youngchan don't have any so I offer him some. He shake his head so I just eat it.

What it seems like forever, I see chan's car pulling up. I stand up as felix get out from the car.

"About time. I thought I'll have to sleep here." I roll my eyes. 

"I'm sorry." Felix apologies. He turn to youngji and youngchan, "Were you guys accompanying jisung?" Youngji nod while youngchan just walk away. 

Youngji quickly wave me a goodbye and run after youngchan.

I turn to felix and stomp to the car.

I greet chan hyung and just sit in silence. After felix enter, chan drive us home. 

Arriving home, I thank chan hyung and walk into the house. Felix follow right behind me, constantly apologising. 

I just sit down on the couch, still angry.

"Jisungie, I'm sorry. Pleaasseeee." Felix plead.

"Where were you guys? I thought you guys were at the court." I pout. Honestly I was offended that they left me behind.

"We thought you were with hyunjin, thats why we said that." Felix trying to explain himself.

I roll my eyes, "Even so, you don't have to lie, right?" 

"We're really sorry. When we saw hyunjin at the mansion, that's when we knew you're all alone." Felix still trying.

Mansion? Seriously? 

"And why did you went there without me?" sincerely mad.

Felix didn't say anything, he seems, "Speechless ha? I guess I am really not needed there." I take my bag and stomp to my room.

'What the fuck?'


I'm sorry for those dm's that I just replied, I'm so so sooo sorryyy. I've been out of my mind since I got my offer letter and things have been hectic since then. I will try my best to stay active and updated more.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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