Part. 31

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I follow jiru as he drive me further away from the town. I look outside and it is dark. Well, what can I say, it is almost midnight. I sit back into the car seat as I look at jiru who's driving beside me.

"Where are we going anyway?" I ask him. Honestly, I've been asking that to jiru and minho since home. But none of them answer me.

Their answer will always be, "You'll know when you got there." Minho hyung said. I turn to the back and glare at him, where he just shrug it off. 

I puff my cheeks out. "How would I know if you won't tell me kjshdsdhjkh." I mumble to myself. 

"Come again?" Jiru lean in to me. I push him away, "Wasn't talking to you. Drive." And look back out the window.

"Jisung." Minho hyung call me. I hum as a respond, still sulking as they didn't want to answer me seriously.

"How come you're so accepting to the fact that your friends is in the mafia?" He ask me.

I remain silence for a minute.

Honestly, I didn't even think about my friends. I didn't think about how they betrayed me or what. Yes, felix and hyunjin did brought up this topic to me, but that was for a moment. I don't really care what and how I will react in front of them later when they bring it up, but I don't think I'll care much.

But I kept on thinking about minho hyung. How he actually someone so cold, so independent but also manage to take care of others. He seems so perfect, but then he actually is a mafia. He was so soft, and clingy to me yet, he's actually really strict and on his own.

"I've told you. Because you created it." I answered lazily. 

"Jisung. I need a proper reason." I look at jiru who answered me. "Well,,, it is my only reason. Look. I trust you hyung. Jiru, you too. Let says both of you created a mafia, either together or separately, I'll trust you two. You won't kill someone unreasonable."

I answer. No one respond to my answer, so I turn to look at jiru. But before I could do that, Jiru suddenly start speeding up.

"HYUNG! WHAT THE HECK?!" I shout as I hold on the seatbelt tighter.

He keep speeding up till we arrive at a mansion.

"Who's mansion is this?" I ask. Both jiru and minho get out of the car. Minho open my side of the door and wait for me to go out before he close it again.

Jiru ahead of us, leading us into the mansion. I observe the mansion in awe, the garden look so pretty yet it gives me chill. The mansion design look so ethereal yet it sends me creep. 

"Who's mansion is this jiru?" I get closer to him and minho as we get closer to the door.

"Mine." I look at him in disbelief.

"And yours." he said as he open the door.

I blink a few time before I look into the mansion. Minho hyung hold my hand as he pull me in. Slowly, I walk in and the design in just like on the outside. The only different is that, the inside make me calm instead on the chills and the creeps.

"Mine...?" I ask as I turn to jiru again.

"Jisung, look. I know this is big. Even mom and dad were hesitated to tell you about this when we found out that you're a little." Jiru stop on his track as he invite me to sit beside him on the sofa.

I walk to him and he immediately hold my hand. "But jisung, you're nineteen now and next year, you will graduate and become a total adult. So I think it's time to tell you about this. I've discussed with mom and dad this morning and they both agreed with me." jiru continue.

The more he explain, the more curious I got. It looks like he is just dragging some time. I whine as I ask him to just go straight to the point.

"Jisung, don't you want to know how minho and I knew each other?" He ask me. I look at minho who's leaning on the door frame to the living but he just raise an eyebrow. 

"How's minho hyung related to you?" I ask. 

"I'm his partner in the mafia field." He says. I nod, understanding.... or that's what I thought.

"WAIT- WHAT?!" I abruptly stand up and look at minho hyung and jiru back and forth.

Jiru pull my hand and and sit me down back. "Jisung listen. Actually.. your mom were in a mafia, that was build by your grandfather. Your dad automatically joined the gang after the marriage. There's a reason why mom and dad took me in. When I was a kid, I fought with everyone and managed to took revenge with a big scale compare to me being just 4 to 5 years old." I nod as jiru stop for a moment.

"They took me in and trained me that early. They ask me to protect you at all cost and slowly expose you to the mafia world. Since then, I vowed to never put you in danger and will always be by your side whenever you needed me. But, I seems to failing in doing that."

I shake my head as I hold his hand tighter. I know what he's talking about. "Hyung, what happened to me was my mistake. And you weren't even in korea, you're in malaysia. None of you are at fault." I said as I turn to minho hyung.

"Although... this might be too much for me to take in, I think I'll be fine." I said as I lean back and massage my forehead. 

"Do you want to rest first? Minho can lead you to your room." Jiru point at minho hyung. I nod and were about to stand up before someone suddenly pick me up in a bridal style.

"HYUNG!" I shout.

"What?" He says in a cool tone which send chills through my body. I immediately shut my mouth.

"That's what I thought." He say as he take me up.

I just close me eyes and slowly leaning into his chest. I was about to fall asleep when he suddenly put me down on a bed slowly.

"Your room." He say. He stand beside and it's just awkward.

"" I start. He hum as he look at me.

"How did you know this is my room?" He smirk as he sit on me. I gasp suddenly, which result me to hiccup. I immediately cover my mouth and look away, avoiding eye contact with him.

He lean in more till his face get closer to mine...


Here y'all go.

Have fun 친구들~

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